PRESTIGE MISSION - Additional Rewards / Add Golden Slime Wheels on end of Treasure Vaults

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Tpen-Five-Fun's picture

Because only few vanguards cares on prestige, especially those with 45k+ prestige.

- For every Clockwork/Dangerous Mission cleared, you get all Staple rewards and 0-3 random items.
- Reward 4 chance is only available on elite mode.

Reward # 1
Golden Slime Coins (3-5x) - Staple
Random 3-5* Material - Staple (Tier 1 - 3)
Glowing Crystals (15x) - Staple (Tier 1)
Shining Crystals (15x) - Staple (Tier 2)
Radiant Crystals (15x) - Staple (Tier 3)

Reward # 2
Advanced Orb of Alchemy (1x) - 5% chance (Tier 1)
Elite Orb of Alchemy (x1) - 5% chance (Tier 2)
Eternal Orb of Alchemy (x1) - 5% chance (Tier 3)

Reward #3
(1x) Spark of Life - 25% chance
(1x) Mod Calibrator - 3% chance
Lvl 1 UV Ticket - 12% chance
Lvl 2 UV Ticket - 7% chance
Lvl 3 UV Ticket - 4% chance

Reward #4 (elite mode only)
Slime Lockbox (Random) - 5% chance (A pinch of salt)
Darkfang Shield - 1% chance (Assault on Machine Shop / Hazardous Heist)
Schemer Scrap (x1) - 5% chance (Assault on Machine Shop / Hazardous Heist)
Schemer Scrap (x3) - 1% chance (Assault on Machine Shop / Hazardous Heist)
Haunted/Ghostly Aura - 1% chance (Scared to Death)
Copper Lockbox (x1) - 5% chance (Nature of the Beasts / White Collar Captives)
Mirror Lockbox (x1) -1% chance (Nature of the Beasts / White Collar Captives)


Glowing Crystals (x5) - Geological Survey / Monstrous Research)
Shining Crystals (x5) - Geological Survey / Monstrous Research)
Radiant Crystals (x5) - Geological Survey / Monstrous Research)

Glowing Crystals (x20) - Supply Delivery
Shining Crystals (x20) - Supply Delivery
Radiant Crystals (x20) - Supply Delivery

Glowing Crystals (x120) - Arms Appropriation
Shining Crystals (x120) - Arms Appropriation
Radiant Crystals (x120) - Arms Appropriation

Overcharged Mixmaster - 1% chance (Arms Appropriation)
- Permanent Bound item (Cannot be unbinded)
- Skin is different from than the once obtainable from prize boxes
- Acquired via Mail
- Obtainable only once per account


Reward # 1
Golden Slime Coins (10-15x) - Staple
Random 3-5* Material (5x) - Staple (Tier 1 - 3)
Glowing Crystals (30x) - Staple (Tier 1)
Shining Crystals (30x) - Staple (Tier 2)
Radiant Crystals (30x) - Staple (Tier 3)

Reward # 2
Advanced Orb of Alchemy (1x) - 10% chance (Tier 1)
Elite Orb of Alchemy (x1) - 10% chance (Tier 2)
Eternal Orb of Alchemy (x1) - 10% chance (Tier 3)

Reward #3
(1x) Spark of Life - 30% chance
(1x) Mod Calibrator - 7% chance
Lvl 1 UV Ticket - 15% chance
Lvl 2 UV Ticket - 10% chance
Lvl 3 UV Ticket - 5% chance

Reward #4 (Elite Mode only)

All rewards are:
- Permanent Bound item (Cannot be unbinded)
- Acquired via Mail
- Obtainable only once per account

Blitz Needle (CTR VH) - 1% chance (Heart of Ice)
Hacked Aura - 1% chance (Ghost in the Machine)
Arcana (ASI VH) - 1% chance (Legion of Almire)
Venomous Aura - 1% chance (Compound 42)

Flash-Flire's picture

I like the idea of prestige missions giving you rewards for completing them (I think I've suggested it in less detail before somewhere), but some of the rewards seem a little weird.

By the way I'm pretty sure you can't actually do prestige missions until you're in T2.

For the orb rewards, I think it should be 3* for T2 and 4* for T3, because anyone who's played a lot of T3 will have a lot of eternals sitting around that they can't do anything with.

3 UV tickets maybe should have a 1% chance like the other "super" rewards, because that's a pretty darn expensive reward for playing a few levels of SK for about a month. Not sure, though.

For the elite mode rewards: one mission has 1 reward, two have 3 and two have 2. Shouldn't they all be even?
Also, the rewards are sort of inconsistent? There are lockboxes, rare materials, equipment, and an aura in there. Although I'm not sure what else you could have?

I'm fine with the supply mission rewards and getting a faux-mixmaster for doing enough AAs. Although would they have to be the 5* variation? Otherwise you could just sit and grind out handing in cheap 2* weapons until you get a mixmaster if you wanted to.

For the danger missions: again I think the orbs should be shifted down a star.

Elite danger mission rewards are kinda weird. Two of them give you 5* weapons with basically the best UV you'd want on them, while two of them give you an aura which yes it looks cool but it's not a CTR Blitz Needle. Plus, if you're going to be grinding out these missions to get these super rewards, you'll probably have a decent arsenal of weapons anyway. I think that either they should all give you weapons or (the more likely option) they should all give you cosmetics. I'd be in favour of getting a unique themed cosmetic set that's related to each danger mission instead of auras: and if you stick with the permamently bound property you know the only way someone got those is by playing the game a lot.

TL;DR - I like the concept but some of the rewards are a little unbalanced: mainly, mixmaster should be 5* missions only and the elite danger rewards need to be changed