Vote now! And we shall find out who the best Gamemaster is :O
Vote now! And we shall find out who the best Gamemaster is :O
Clotho is best GM and nobody else, she have a great sense of humour and was always the first to come once i ask help when i bug those swichtes to open 1 gate (right Clotho? how many times i made you get out of your comfy gamer chair because i bugged those doors?) she also very creative and great humour when comes to deal with players and their "insultive but funny names" like the one i repoted 2 weeks ago clotho just change his nickname to a one more funnier.
in short Clotho best GM a woman with humour is best type of woman.
Clotho is a woman? I thought he was a bro based on few message replies I've read.
Plus his name ends in an O, if it was a girl it would be Clothi or Clotha
Now, i must break our friendship for this outrage!
The name wouldn't change regardless of gender, the GMs name themselves after Greek/Roman deities
Clotho is one of the three fates, the ones who control and cut the thread to people's lives.
Expresses a GM's role perfectly ._.