Unique Variant Acquisition Rework

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Rakaraka's picture

Unique Variants are so expensive right now. It makes sense though, they can completely alter the powers of your equipment. However, I think some of the better UVs are way too hard to obtain. Just getting something like slime low costs a 20kcr ticket at punch. I propose the idea to Craft Unique Variants.

However, before you can start crafting Unique Variant Tickets you must obtain the recipes. By default, the missions will give you a few of them, but the rest are going to have to be sought after in the Clockworks.

Damage bonus family recipes drop from monsters that deal that damage type:

  • Shadow Monsters drop Slime and Gremlin.
  • Piercing Monsters drop Fiend and Beast.
  • Elemental Monsters drop Construct and Undead.
  • The defense recipes drop from monsters who resist that damage type:

  • Gremlins and Beasts drop Elemental Defense.
  • Construct and Slime drop Piercing Defense.
  • Fiends and Undead drop Shadow Defense.
  • Additionally, they all have a chance to drop Normal Defense.
  • The status defense recipes drop from monsters of that status ailment.
    ALL monsters will have an even rarer chance for ASI and CTR recipes.

    The level of the recipe depends on the tier you're currently in:

    Stratum 3: Low.
    Stratum 4: Medium.
    Stratum 5: High.
    Stratum 6: Very High.

    Drop Rate: 1/1000

    This seems like a very low drop rate, but remember there are tons of monsters in the clockworks. It won't take long for you to find a recipe. By having the recipes drop from the monsters you fight, you'll naturally get better equipment by doing a lot of one thing. Fighting a ton of Slimes? Well you'll start to acquire Piercing Defense recipes, making them a little easier. Struggling against shock areas? You'll start to acquire Shock Resistance recipes by taking on the challenge. It'll help you craft better armor in the long run.

    With all this combined, each level should have a varying pool of UV recipes it can drop.

    The Recipe
    The recipes will require the same crown cost of equipment recipes and the same orb counts. The family materials required will get higher in star level and MUCH higher in amount per level of ticket. Each successive level will require the previous ticket level. To make Undead Medium, you'll need Undead Low Ticket, and so on. The tickets are unbound. Once you have finally crafted your ticket, you can take it to punch and customize your equipment!

    Crafted Tickets
    These crafted-tickets have one more unique thing however. They can overwrite any UV without re-rolling others. So if you have Damage Bonus Undead High and Slime Low. You can overwrite one of them with something else, without affecting the other.

    Even with all of this, Punch will still remain the same for players who do not want to put the time into grinding a full line of recipes. However, to make getting the recipes a little easier, they will drop UNBOUND. So you can trade with your friends and get the recipes you need.

    Crazy-Horse's picture
    Yeah But

    The main issue is the complete crash of value of current UV items if such a change was made. That could quite literally destroy the game, because the reason it is alive now is the 40 or so players who invest heavily and trade valuable items with UVs on them. I'm not one of them, but I do understand the time and cash they have put in to acquire their stash of UV items. If we made this move, they would be sandbagged and would quit, and the game will lose its primary source of income and end.

    The Solution I have for YOU, Rakaraka, is 1) to choose items with Bonuses inbuilt on them, 2) Make use of your battle sprite perks.
    Get items like chaos cloak, swiftstrike buckler etc. I cant afford Uvs either so this is how i get my bonuses. One of my own loadouts is chaos set, swiftstrike, and sprite gun med bonus. So, I can use any gun with almost max effectiveness and I dont need UVs to do that. Alchemers, magnuses, blitz, whatever. You should do the same with your favorite weapons. Don't rely on punch at all.

    Rakaraka's picture
    Drop Rate

    That's why the drop rate and crafting costs are pretty extreme
    In order to get something like ASI Very High
    You would need to get a <1/1000 drop rate 4 times, 1 in each of the stratums. Not to mention there's other recipes in the category
    The drop pool for example for a stratum 3 ice strata looks like this

    1/1000 chance for:
    ASI Low
    Charge Time Low
    Damage Bonus Family Low
    Defense depending on Family Low
    Status Resist Freeze Low

    So you actually have a 1/5000 chance of getting something like ASI Low, it would take a long time for players to get a full recipe line. Not to mention these recipes are going to be highly valued.