max shadow shield sold for b/o
WTS Lots of Maxes - Not much left all ends in 1 day. Reserve warnings are up and lowered buyouts.

Gunslinger Hat : Maximum Normal Defense - 7k ce
ign: Mawashimono or Omoshiroi
Oops, didn't see the second page and thought it didn't post.

Really sorry fopr these unneccessary posts. Thought it was a forum glitch

Autogun : Charge Time Reduction Very High - 2.3kce
IGN Lomase

swiftstrike buckler 1kce
autogun vh ctr 2.4kce

Bid Increment is 200 CE D=<
Autogun : Charge Time Reduction Very High - 2.5kce

Updating my offers to include:
1000ce on the ASI medium Cutter
1200ce on the ASI medium Flourish
(Do I read it correctly that the ASI alchemers have been sold?)
yes, the asi alchelmers were bought out in game mail by chao and sick bought out the asi medium flourish from the mail i just got in game.
Gunslinger Hat : Maximum Normal Defense - 7.5k ce
both IAS alchemers sold? damnit that's what I get for sleeping ><
Oh well...
1k ce for the brandish with medium ASI
ign: Milkshanks

Gunslinger Hat : Maximum Normal Defense - 8.0k ce

16k ce for flourish ASP VH
IGN: Raspberry
17k CE - Flourish Very High ASI
IGN: Diggidy

18k ce for flourish ASP VH
IGN: Raspberry
19k CE - Flourish Very High ASI
IGN: Diggidy
Autogun : Charge Time Reduction Very High 3.2K ce
Cutter : Charge Time Reduction Very High 1K ce
IGN: Imim

20k ce for flourish ASP VH
IGN: Raspberry
updated bids, added max piercing owlite. and lowered some buyouts
max pierce owlite shield for 10k ce in game. gone.

The long, drawn-out way this seller has conducted this so-called auction in attempts to get every extra crown has caused me to withdraw my bids and put him on ignore.
wait what. HAHA first off learn english. This isnt an auction. Second I lowered the buyout offered you it, you agreed upon it. Upon finding out the main item you had wanted was bought out ( gunslinger max normal hat. Buyout was up for 2 days already ) you immediately refused your buyout and had not explained a single thing. this is not my fault. I would suggest anyone trying to buy or sell to this guy to stay away.
wolver cap/coat bought in game for cheaper . lowered a few buyouts

why didnt you lower the buyout for me exum :[[[
Cutter : Charge Time Reduction Very High i bid 1.5k ce
flourish sold for 25kce, reserve notices are up last day to bid.
1200 CE for the Med IAS Brandish?
IGN Reactions
EDIT: Didn't see the 200 CE increase rule.

Mailed you in-game as well, willing to offer 2k for Brandish ASI Med. Hoping if that's enough to buy it by today or so.

Cutter : Charge Time Reduction Very High
Bid: 1100 CE.
IGN: Lufte.
i wonder if u accept my bound civ uv high vs undead
for a bid on ur autogun uv ctr vh
IGN: theirillusion

sigh, do you people not realize this thread is from JUNE, exum quit.
Buying your autogun IGN:Skyray

1.4kce on med ias brandish
IGN: ikkimotku
Gunslinger Hat : Maximum Normal Defense - 7k ce
~Mawashimono or Omoshiroi