this game is dying

9 replies [Last post]

The question is, why are you guys letting the game i love die?

Its not easy to maintain players log rate i know, but are you even trying?

Its a shame that events are like 3~4 months apart and we cant even do it cause of the lack of players.

My suggests are:

  • Be a more active staff, stipulate a daily login bonus/prizes to reward not only players who pay, do events every month not like 4 per year.
  • Bring new bosses, rise depth limit/difficulty, new craftable equipments, new battle sprite race, add a damn use to those green and blue crystal.
  • In long term change the server system to a blend between server host for PVP and player host to PVE so we from out of server country can play without lag, it will separate the server by countries of course but i'm tired of dying when on my screen i'm not even near the mob.
  • Not saying any of this will really save this game anymore, but, if you continue doing nothing it certainly wil die.

    That's all i wanted to say, i truly hope that this will be read and change something cause i would be sad to lost another fun game.

    Fallen-Feces's picture
    You are right about some things...

    Right now it isn't necessarily dying as it is in a limbo. The only people left are those who probably won't leave. Also events really aren't that far apart. Apocrea happened like a month after tortodrones did. I think the reason that GH does little to nothing is because people for some reason still blow hundreds of dollars a month on this game which gives GH the idea that they'll get lots of money by doing absolutely nothing. It's like an office full of Luigis. Yes, we got that treasure vault update and I could see effort into its creation but not only was it something basically no one wanted but it was also so small for what was about a 2+ year wait. The first step GH should be making is either a huge balance overhaul or changing their business model to have at least some remote form of consumer friendliness. I do agree with the bullet points you made, but I think the reason that we only have USA and Europe servers is because that's the only ones they actually have. They'd need to buy more in different locations.

    Fallen-Feces's picture

    Ok really quick I’m gonna correct myself here because I know someone else will. I said “no one wanted the new update” but what I actually mean is that it wasn’t the kind everyone would’ve much rather had even though everyone wanted an “update”.

    Timoria's picture

    "In limbo" is definitely a better term. Saying "are you even trying" is dismissive, especially followed by a bunch of "do this to fix it" without any indication of how to do said things. This doesn't feel like a suggestion thread; it reads more like just a frustration thread. You can easily say "well that's for them to decide," but at that point why even use a suggestion forum if you're not suggesting anything?

    "Be a more active staff, stipulate a daily login bonus/prizes to reward not only players who pay, do events every month not like 4 per year."

    Be more active? Okay, I can get behind that. What kind of login bonus/prize? What would give people incentive to log in? What other kind of events would you like to see? What's wrong with the current rotation?

    "Bring new bosses, rise depth limit/difficulty, new craftable equipments, new battle sprite race, add a damn use to those green and blue crystal."

    What kind of new bosses? What levels would accompany them? What would the equipment be? What kind of sprite/how would it function? How would this all be balanced against existing content?

    "In long term change the server system to a blend between server host for PVP and player host to PVE so we from out of server country can play without lag, it will separate the server by countries of course but i'm tired of dying when on my screen i'm not even near the mob."

    This one I can see more validity in, but it's also leaning more towards "my personal experience is bad therefore I want this fixed in this way." Yes, the problems affect a lot of people; just the wording makes it sound very "yeah I know it'll cause this probably bad side effect, but it's okay because I'll be able to play! It's worth it!"

    They are a small team and their main goal is to keep the game up and running. I realize that one can only say "they're small and work as fast as they can" before it becomes an empty phrase, but that's really what it boils down to at the end of the day.


    They'd need to buy more in different locations

    Buying other locations is not possible due the quantity of players per countrie you see?, i mean for example it doesn't compensate to create a south america server for just 50 players.

    As i said there is no need to a new location, i understand how expense is that and i know how hard is to do a change of this magnitude too, but maintaining the server that they already have to PVP and implement the player host to PVE wouldn't be that expensive.


    it reads more like just a frustration thread.

    It is a frustration thread cause as fallen said they're working on updates that no one called for and that isn't adding any real difference to the ones that keep playing.

    if you're not suggesting anything?

    suggest as a lot of others people that created a thread and have been ignored? I mean i could say that i would like to see a new monster family of reptiles with a dragon as family boss, or that could be a hedgehog battle sprite which spells are based on the spikes, but just to be ignored no thanks.

    i understand they're a small team but still seems that they're afraid to try anything which impact to take the game out of this limbo state.

    Crazy-Horse's picture
    Bold, arent we today?

    Let me join your parade too :)

    Daily login reward: One of the rewards to logging in daily was the 100 mist we got. This is gone in return for free elevators. Now, I think we should have a better set of rewards added to prestige runs. Guaranteed rewards, because the boxes have a chance to not drop something valuable. I think we could add reward to gain 50 CE as guaranteed reward for the elite prestige run on first complete attempt. And 25 ce for the easy one. I would caution against guaranteed orbs, because we all have billions of useless eternal orbs and want elite orbs.

    Stranger buffs: Also, we should have stranger buffs. If you talk to a stranger he will give you a buff that you will have for the next mission. It could be a % damage buff or a health buff or defense buff. It might be op, but sure, why not make the game easier to play?

    Lockdown Rewards: We must increase the rewards for Lockdown, SIGNIFICANTLY. Increase the rewards of winning to 1k cr. Or 2k even. The level of skill that exists in lockdown deserves a just reward. Same for the bomb droppers.

    Lockdown Requirements: I would go even as far to say that it should be made a required part of ranking up. You must win 3 LD matches to go from Defender to defender elite etc. I know some of us dont like pvp and will start complaining, but they can imagine it as a brush with danger and just manage to win 3 times somehow. I'm sure you all realize it will be easier to complete that than the time it takes to have a full 4 and 5 star set for halls of heroes anyways. It's fine, really.

    Timoria's picture
    small wall of text

    If I sound argumentative or abrasive, I apologize; it's not my intent.

    Would not really call Mist a "daily log in reward." If you had 100 the previous day, did nothing, then logged in the next day you didn't get anything extra - it was just reset each day back to 100. Also don't think we should be handing out energy in that manner considering it's meant to be the "premium" currency. It should remain purchased with cash and then exchanged through the market as-is.

    I'd be in favor of "log in this many days in row for this prize." It could even be a new kind of lockbox that has useables, or a chance for things like single UV tickets and such. Maybe like a "Loyalty Prize Box" after a week of continuous logging in for X amount of minutes.

    That being said, perhaps something such as some amount of Fire Crystals, a few Sparks of Life, etc. for clearing the prestige missions? Not so much the orbs because what you said is true, people end up swimming in Eternals later on. It wouldn't be too quick of a collection for crystals and such, but it would also give something more tangible than just more prestige that can't be utilized currently.

    Stranger buff would be interesting. I'm not sure if damage bonus is a way to go though. Even with no damage bonus, things fall fairly easily. Would it be a single use per day? Is there something special you'd have to do first or would you just talk to them?

    Lockdown rewards could stand to have a slight increase in payout (currently 280 to start - maybe 350ish?) just because it's become an ingrained part of SK culture at this point (even if it wasn't meant to,) but just because it has doesn't mean things should be built and structured around it. 1k - 2k, seems far too high to me, personally; at its core it's still a minigame, and it should pay out like a minigame. People already get increased rewards based on those who leave, so imagine a 2k payout to start. People could start it with alts, have all but their main leave, then reap the rewards without having to do anything else.

    Disagree on the requirement of matches to advance for a couple of reasons.

    • Spiral Knights is a PvE based game that forces you to go through PvE to advance, which makes sense. It's what the game is about and what people signed up for. If you start putting PvP requirements on a PvE game and not just as a side quest of some kind, you're discouraging the base idea of its design. If it was a PvP game that you had to participate in PvP to advance with, and suddenly there's a PvE section you're required to go through, it would be the same deal.
    • It's not a "brush with danger" if they are never planning on going back. It's an inconvenient roadblock you've given them no way around that they had no idea about. It holds no value to them both as a player and as an individual if it's not something they have any desire to go through. Orbs, Fire Crystals and Forging are a roadblock that are also inconvenient, but the difference is you've been taught them from the very beginning as "this is how you progress the game." If you force a PvP section on them, they're going to be upset - and rightfully so. They should be informed of what Lockdown and Blast Network are, given the spiel about how they work, but left to their own devices on whether or not they wish to participate.

    To continue off of what Leleoc was saying, we very well may not see anything done based on our suggestions. That doesn't mean it's a sign to simply ignore things in the hope of something dropping. All suggestions are read, and it's up to the developers to decide what to do with them (if anything at all.) Things are being worked on, little by little, which will take far longer than any of us would like or expect. By us not contributing ideas, we're telling them we don't want to see anything new. As long as we keep giving ideas for things, it makes it obvious there is interest in seeing things get built, even if it doesn't touch on what we were going for.

    A few things on a smaller scale could be done before any major content happening and it would be a great step in the right direction. Leleoc touched on it already with the minerals. I'd rather see currently existing features refined and put into use instead of seeing new content updates, because one affects gameplay in the short term while the other affects all aspects of gameplay in the long run.

    That and the radio silence. I understand where they're coming from and why they stopped updating us on things, but that's all in the past; people would be more happy to know that something is happening with no concrete date than be left in the dark without any inclination of anything. I just hope the staff can realize that some day.

    Elegies's picture
    If they're going to just hold

    If they're going to just hold the game in relative stasis and not move it forward after what, 8+ years? I'd love for them to at least do some minor content patches that wrap up the mysteries/stories of the Clockworks, as we will likely never see a sequel or anything akin to that. Nothing crazy or new in terms of puzzles/levels/etc, just use existing assets and npcs to tell the story. I'm so tired of things I like never getting closure anymore.


    tying progress to pvp is the newest worst idea i've ever seen.

    also they've definitely been making stuff, it's just that it's not stuff that
    some people wanted so they complain about the update being bad
    even though it's still an update¯\_(ツ)_/¯