Fun suggestions game w/ 🍌🍒 Fehzor 🍍🥥

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Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Describe how you would design spiral knights gate and level building from the bottom up. There is no game yet, you can implement anything. How would you make it work?

To enter the game, submit your discord ID and how much experience you have with Java, music production, level design, art creation and any other experiences you'd like to share as well as your answer of course.

Rakaraka's picture
Oh okay

How I would design gate and level building
We can implement anything... well it would work kind of similarly to the current system.

I think we would keep the depths system, but I want levels to feel more connected than they do in Spiral Knights. Aside from the level packs with minibosses at the end, the levels drastically change from depth to depth, but follow a core theme. Here's how it would work

Instead of having an entire gate generated from a input of the materials, it'll be generated slowly over time until completion. There'll be 4 different materials you can find within the depths. These are the key ingredients to generating a new world.

Each gate will start off with nothing in it. Once you reach the end of a gate you'll come to a terminal, where you can deposit these materials to contribute to the next level of said gate, you can also do this at the beginning of a gate, as it would become entirely tedious to have to run the entire gate again just to deposit materials... Since in this system gates are going to be a long term project.

There should be at least a 6 hour wait between each level creation, so 4 levels will be created per day.

As for the levels themselves, they take input from the previous level and the 4 different materials to determine what the next level should be. In Spiral Knight's case, if the last level was a fiend level, the next level would have a higher chance of being a fiend level, unless the minerals cancelled that out.

Gates will be comprised of 30 depths. There are resting points every 5 depths where you can return to the hub and come back there at any time once you reach them.

So what happens after the all 30 depths are created? Well the gate will be complete, and players can visit it any time, a new empty gate is also created when a gate is completed, up to 4 gates can be worked on at the same time. Over time players will have created more and more gates. Good ones, bad ones, fun ones, annoying ones, but there will be plenty of different combinations as the game goes on.

Why create gates when you can just play old good ones? Simple, creating gates/levels will reward the player with money and other goodies.

Discord ID: Bossman#4218
I don't have much experience with java and music production. But I'm really into level design and I'm good at making the art.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Yes. The fun game is still going if anyone wants in.

Slyqouta's picture
You suggested I come here

Surface Level Building

I would have to say I would put a lot more emphasis on verticality,also I would make much more varied landscape levels, like mountain sides, swamps, skyscrapers etc., haven would still be a central point

It would have several areas with large spaces linked together with one big focal point per area( think theme park "weenie's") with several tiny "attractions", there would be randomly spawning monsters that would fit the theme of the area, there would also be mini bosses wondering the map on occasion, the deeper you go into a area the harder it gets, you can enter high level areas at any time if you think you can handle increased danger for increased loot.

one such mini-boss would be a "chroma-dile"(WIP its a example) in the swamp area that would basically be a VERY large crocodile,if were using what mechanics are available in the engine that we know of, it would have 2 forms, on land it would be vulnerable and have alligator like attacks like a roll or a slow but powerful running bite maybe a tail slam. In its "swimming" form it would basically be a Grimalkin(big clipping cat) with the wolver teleport(diving), it can be damage but with higher defense and cant be killed in this form, it can only die on land (who remembers flying wolvers and floating loot) it would enter land form after biting or the ring of a bell effect on land.

Missions/ events/choices

missions would comprise of moving to particular area and a number of people could join at a time,for each day a mission is completed a end of month reward RNG gets better to get something good, the weapon delivery mission would put a trigger for the chance to recruit a NPC knight with that weapon at the beginning of a level.

There would be in level happenings that would sway monster bias, say 2 enemy types fighting over loot, the choices would be 1, help the gremlins, 2 help the beasts, 3 fight both and take the loot for yourself, groups are non-hostile until you make your choice, they will attack on whoever hurts them though, for choosing a side you get affinity points with one group(maybe lose some with another),the higher/lower the affinity the more likely you are to encounter a recruit-able monster from that family at the beginning or randomly in a level or get a random attack by a group of the lower affinity group. If you get enough affinity with a monster group you get to go into a special place in that monsters zone/area where you can get special items, weapons, and maybe a means to call a monster to help if you have the materials for it.(example Massive fiend office break/rec room with 1 or 2 fiends((probably a pit boss)) to be a pun on how over worked they are or a deep den full beasts and a talking chromalisk)

If there was a event the levels and Haven would change drastically, like the owlite towers would have a cursed hue to them if the black kats are around and Haven would have seeping curse around randomly.

Haven would occasionally be under siege meaning that you would have to clear out parts of haven of a certain enemy type in a demolished haven separated to the auction house and available via a mission prompt.
The Arcade

The arcade would remain, it would basically be an RNG rouge-like where you can select a LIMITED number of items(if you go with full access to your inventory you dont get a considerable multiplier, the cost of adaptability) and the more restrictions you have on yourself the Better luck you would have, you can bring back a big item( like a cube or some plants) from the clockworks that is based on luck that you can decorate your ready room with.

some missions would have you go into the clockworks to deliver a item and you start at a random depth

if you get a particularly good arcade run you can save it and it becomes harder with a better RNG modifier(to make up for the item accessibility multiplier, each time you save it it gets harder until basically everything 1 shots you), you can stop at any end of a level and resume later, and everybody gets 1 level layout save(all of the run) and it can only be soloed(maybe, kinda unsure about the solo part)


hot bar items could be saved at the end of a run and sold or equipped at any arsenal locker. there would be a lot more specialty hot bar items around (mecha knights, turrets, artillary etc.)

The battle sprites would occasionally attack on their own with no move cool down penalty to the player.

I believe that almost EVERY piece of armor in this game should have a purpose(maybe not proto) with the health and * risk being rewarded

I have not used discord in a long while so I may have to dig through papers for a while to get a ID
I have no experience in java, know very little about music, and mostly just used conceptualizing as a hobby that got crushed by certain moods.

Thank you for your time

I would like a world where

I would like a world where you have a central capital (like Haven) but also outposts further out in the world that players can conquer and expand together. It would be similar to guild halls except everyone can contribute to an outpost and their contributions are recorded. Donations in crowns for example would be recorded but also material donations and also participation in attacks on the outpost. If an outpost is claimed by the playerbase (by killing all the monsters in a specific location) then NPC's will come to inhabit it as well. And as players expand the outpost by donating building materials and crowns, the outpost gets bigger and more and more NPCs and fortifications (walls, mecha knights that help defend alongside the outpost NPCs, turrets...) will be added. Monsters (intelligent ones like gremlins) will raid outposts to loot it or just out of hatred towards knights. So an outpost would get attacked in real time by gremlin armies and players have to defend it. NPC's will also help to defend it, so 1 attack without players there isn't going to destroy the outpost. But 1 or 2 NPCs might not survive the attack and the storage of the outpost (donations by players) may get plundered. Repeated attacks where the raiding monsters have the upper hand will make it so the outpost gets weaker and weaker and eventually gets overrun and be completely destroyed. If players are around, they will be able to help fend off the attack and damage should be limited. Attacks get scaled up with the amount of players present, but also with the size of the outpost. So a well upgraded outpost will receive bigger attacks, and if a lot of players are online it will be even bigger, to keep the fights interesting.

Players that contribute resources and crowns will be able to guide the development of the outpost in a particular direction (e.g. a player might donate towards the creation of additional mecha knights that help defend the village, or they might donate towards a new shop building for an NPC to take up residence). Contributions and participation in can be recorded in some sort of reputation system for that particular outpost to give some prestige to players that help improve and protect the outpost.

Outposts can be a place to start missions from, and if you stayed in Haven you would have to start at depth 1 every time, whereas if you stayed at a certain outpost, you could start missions from there to explore further into the clockworks/world.