Now that we finally got that Treasure Vault buff... We need to know how good they are! Please comment down your loot so we can have the data. Please do not post loot pre-buff. Please include, depth, number of boxes, crowns, and rarities. Thanks!
Now that we finally got that Treasure Vault buff... We need to know how good they are! Please comment down your loot so we can have the data. Please do not post loot pre-buff. Please include, depth, number of boxes, crowns, and rarities. Thanks!
Person 1: 943 crowns, 15 shinings
Person 2: 969 crowns, 27 shinings, Eternal Orb
Person 1: 926 crowns, 27 Shinings
Person 2: 1.1kcr, 15 shinings
Person 3: 835 crowns, 21 shinings
Person 4: 1.3kcr, 18 shinings