My two cents on the Turbillion
Make Turbillion have flinch/stagger, at least. Turbillion charge leaves you vulnerable while dealing sub-par damage to enemies. If you hold your shield button, the tornado projectile that comes out after the charge swing will not spawn as well, so you're waiting for the time the tornado spawns and actually hits the enemy/ies, to actually be able to shield and block incoming damage.
Also on a side note, the texture kinda looks a bit unfinished, compared to the little nooks and crannies of detail on the beloved Voltedge.

While I agree the weapon is not very good at flinching, I think that's fine. It's fast and you can just use the first two swings then shield cancel and repeat as a more effective attacking method (add weapon switching for much better DPS).
As for the charge, its bugginess and subpar hitboxes are well-known. The swing inflicts somewhere around 300 damage if memory serves, but its range does not at all match its telegraph.
I can't say anything for the texture.

it would be really cool if the charge attack had a tornado effect like the vortex bombs. this would make for a really cool sidearm and would push this sword into a more mainstream pos in the community.
it does have flinching. on the final swing of the basics and the swing of the charge
but unfortunately the charge swing has piss poor hitbox that barely hits anything unless you're within cuddle distance.
I would like to thank my guild master Archvongoog for my SK upbringing, and Arumigen for the insights. Holla at ya boi he made it on the forums