Did a depth 24 clockworks level (gear icon) and received 3 mineral rooms after the mid-level party square (and no boxes). Anyone else notice that mineral rooms are now replacing box rooms more often? There was only one set of boxes in the level, in the first half. I took a screenshot but don't know how to post.
Seems new to me.
August 8 Update - MORE mineral rooms?
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 13:25
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 23:23
GH actually increased health insurance premiums across the US so they definitely need to fix that too. Also it rained.
Sun, 08/11/2019 - 04:28
my experience
I have not noticed an increase in mineral rooms.
But your observation is unusual. My experience does not agree with Rakaraka's. I have not seen three mineral rooms in the second half of a Clockworks Tunnels level numerous times.
No it did not. Clockworks levels have always had a rare chance for occurences such as this one. It happens from time to time. I've seen someone get 5 box layouts in a tunnels layout a while back, before this update. And I've seen what you're talking about numerous times over the years.