make shadow key price scale to party size
like real talk 1800e per run is quite a steep price for some of the more difficult content this game has to offer,
not even including the implied cost incurred via having to spark in it due to the currently increased difficulty.
it would be nice to be able to do solo SL runs at 450e, though i'm not sure myself on how i'd implement that.
maybe have the elevator take either shadow keys, or having people deposit 450e into it, locking the party
when someone deposits energy, and it opens up when everyone in the party has done it.

This feels logical. But.
Say you're a new player looking for people to help you on SLs. Right now, you buy the key and their glad to help. It costs a lot but you have a good time because you brought friends.
With this, you can't find people, and you die alone.
One of the guys I looked after died last night in the hospital. I hope he wasn't alone. He was so innocent and I'm really glad I got to know him. I remember one time during the night when he couldn't sleep I gave him a snack and played some music and he did his little shoulder dance and sang along. He was the sweetest little thing. Ugh.
I just think the worst way to go is buying a 450 ce pass as a scrub and then getting bodied 2 minutes in.
this idea is great