Book of dark rituals should be a bomb.

Boring materials do nothing, and books aren't cool to look at.
Make the Book of Dark Rituals a curse haze bomb, but also keep its functionality as a way to summon Margrel.
The book sits on the ground during the fuse, but when it goes off it bursts open to a random page and releases a curse field.
This functionality fits with it's background too, because Margrel unleashed the Kataclysm by opening the book.
If you're going to have coffee cups and snowman heads act as explosives, a book is not out of the question.
Okay so you call the book boring, and I just want to check that you're already aware it's one of the rarer and more expensive items that isn't an accessory, extremely useful either for personal use or making some cash, and it's not just any plain ol' material that sits in your inventory collecting dust forever. It's already a fully functional, very valuable item.
So, if you have to hold onto the book to use it as a weapon and still lose it when you summon Margrel, that is a rather expensive and rare haze bomb that offers no crowd control, probably does less or comparable damage to an Ash of Agni, and straight up doesn't work on one third of the monsters in the game. Kind of crap and not worth holding onto instead of just turning it in to fight Margrel.
Perhaps instead make the bomb and material separate items, and the bomb is obtained as a drop after defeating Margrel, similar to the Black Kat Cowl. It could be explained as recovering the book used for the ritual, and it is significantly weakened after conquering the evil contained inside, allowing it to be used as a weapon without unleashing a curse capable of wiping out an entire tribe.
I agree.
But what implications would this have regarding the hierarchy of Bombs? Would the Book of Dark Rituals merely be a poor man's Shivermist Buster or would it be a status symbol like Combuster and Amputator are for Swords?
And do you intend to give readers of the book a damage boost to their bomb if they also have the glasses accessory equipped? It would be another slap in the face of Skolvers who can't equip glasses... We already miss out on the Luck aura bonus to get better UVs at Punch and honestly I crafted Skolver because I wanted to be part of the pack.