Azure armor line ability idea

As it stands the azure armor line is one of the worse sets in the game.
My idea for this set is to have it be able to use the shield at any time,namely while charging a attack, during charge attacks, bashing, and while holding items, with the downside of moving drastically slower.
___lets call it shield valor (SV)___
---for each rank of this ability(low,med, etc.) the knight moves 1/6 faster their normal speed when shielding during a action they normally wouldn't be able to.
---for the defender/crest of almire lines I would say give them a natural faster shield movement speed (it goes above the normal speed when paired with the armor)
-2* armor = each piece has low SV so in total med (2/6 % regular movement speed)
-3-4* armor = each piece has SV med so in total very high (4/6 % regular movement speed)
-5* armor = each piece has SV high so in total there is full movement speed (faster with the defender line)
Further suggestions for this armor line would be appreciated.
Thank you for taking your time to read this!
So. It does have a niche in the game, and that's being inexpensive. In total, you save a good 40K cr per piece. I think this isn't enough. I'd like to see crafting the item require fewer than 3 orbs- rather, just 1 orb per upgrade. This way, those crafting it are not punished for doing so.
Shield valor and other shield stats are welcome however. I'd like to see them on other armors perhaps? Almirian crusader is a fine candidate.