Replace every empty tile in Deconstruction Zones with a button that does nothing.

Deconstruction Zones are worthless due severe lack of buttons in the area compared to other levels. I can't believe they opted for the inferior and much less satisfying "key and door" system, utterly disgusting. Let's fix this.
By filling Deconstruction Zones entirely with buttons, we can
- Give players reason not to wait for a clockwork tunnel
- Encourage players to explore the level thoroughly so that they can press all of the buttons
- Increase player satisifaction
- Replace the level icon with a (pressable) butt

I like the idea of them actually rolling this out and the server just like implodes under the weight of a million buttons being pressed at once. Bonus points if each button spawns an enemy at a random place on the map.
This is the quality post I need in my suggestions forum. +1.

Or a single button that, when pressed, spawns another button somewhere else.
Normally this would sound cool but I expect SK's engine would utterly die under so many interactables.