Black Kat EVENT

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Increase the BK appearance geez its annoying going back in and out lol more that 80 runs and still no book whatsover...

Slyqouta's picture
I can sympathize

As someone who chose to try to make the cat hiss armor I feel this. ;|

I believe that during the event there should be a obnoxious amount of black kats, I would like to see that the kat levels be very dangerous during the event to the point where players wouldn't want to go to them unless they absolutely have to or are up to the challenge.

But the book should be absolutely necessary for black cat armor though, and the whiskers should just be a rarer alternative or equal to its coin traded counter part.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I think a good tweak for the event would be to lower the book drop rate and up the black kat appearance rate. Then, I can fight tons of black kats and still get the amount of books they want me to... (which seems to be zero lol)

Fishysh's picture
Mak bok

Okay guys listen in on this
We want books right? Well, why don't we just make our own.
What are books made of? Yep, you guessed it. Pages.
If a book has a 1/250 chance of dropping (which it does), why not make the book craftable with 750 pages?
Thus, if you farmed enough to realistically get one but didn't, you can just craft one!

Hey gh can you stop locking content behind a combination of rng, mindless grinding, lockboxes and prizeboxes?
The only people who enjoy grinding your trash event are the ones who are lucky enough to get a book.
Can you please reduce the rng required to reap benefit down to the weight it has in tortodrone event?

Actually why doesn't everything become a diceroll. Every time you attack you should have to roll a dice first.