SK will die

33 replies [Last post]
Toyoti's picture

Hi guys Spiral Knights will die if Grey Havens never listen the comunity we want for years a serious competitive mode PvP and new content for the PvE they only want boxs and boxs and they ignore the comunity just check this August 14 20:00 only 6 players in SK WTF....

GM Edit: Title changed.

Sir-Pandabear's picture

This was predicted years ago and will continue to be predicted for years to come.

Timoria's picture

These types of threads (especially with that sort of wording) are unnecessary, unhelpful, dismissive and do absolutely nothing to remedy any perceived issue.

Chainguy's picture
"Smacks with Thwack Hammer"

Complaining about it is only gonna succeed in pushing people away from playing a game with a low playerbase, this is a waste of your time. We are sick of seeing these threads to death also and willing to get a bit aggressive about it.

To further moot your complaint, taking numbers only from Steam is far from accurate and dead wrong. People play from other sources including from the main client itself here downloadable on the site. Not everyone wishes to play from Steam, it's their choice.

If you think you have a solution that will "fix" this, prove it and make it work. Spreading the word mouth to mouth, word to word only goes so far. Having some popular person play SK for a bit would be only a temporary solution at best, as many would be put off by the sheer amount of grinding required, all while being lucked based to boot if not counting buying Orbs from the Supply Depot.

To add more to that, GH have stated themselves SK gets more exposure from mouth to mouth instead of advertising via ads. Putting ads back up again would be a waste of resources and money. Either way, just enjoy the game while it lasts, that's how i'm approaching it.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

They've actually been stepping their game up as of late, between releasing 5 star winmillion and the new treasure vaults. It's really given me something to look forward to. They also did the whole hazardous+no auto aim lockdown event thing and those happen quite often. So what you actually want them to do is beyond me.

Crazy-Horse's picture
Promo is right, Toyoti

You really need to hear this, Toyoti.

GH is indeed stepping up the game with New weapons, New treasure vaults, and more to come. They have consistently brought value where the main PAYING population of the game desires it. Now, I'm not a part of that group of players, but I can appreciate that they are essentially paying for my playtime. You should do the same and stop nagging about boxes. If you want to pvp, pay attention to zone chat messages.

In addition, your usage of the "autism' word just ruins your own post. Because its uninformed and reflects badly on your personality. People with mental disease deserve support, you shouldn't use that word when you just mean to say "foolish" etc. Nobody is going to take your critiques seriously if this is how you carry yourself. You unwashed idiot.

Thats-Rough-Buddy's picture
Toyoti....put yourself in

Toyoti....put yourself in Grey Haven's shoes. Now, imagine someone slinging insults like "autist" at you, telling you to work harder, to make something for them. Sounds like indentured labor, doesn't it? Don't do it. A little respect goes a long way, and insults like the thread title have no place in SK....only in Lockdown, when AT is on.

Even with all the new Triple-A games coming out, nothing gets me as hype as seeing an update in this 8 year old game for some reason. I would love to see this game evolve from a Camaro to a Pagani.

I'd say try to help in any way you can. Post in Suggestions, try doing what Lego does, etc etc.

@Crazy Horse

Calling the OP names only brings you down to their level.

Crazy-Horse's picture

I have a nephew with special needs, so I do make it a point to ridicule those who make that kind of mistake. Keeps my amygdala and midbrain busy i suppose

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I work with the disabled so I've seen quite a bit of autism and a lot of them have a sort of genius to them.

Say you put a mouse in a wooden maze with the cheese at one end. If the neurotypical mice all solve the maze, it's the autistic mouse that climbs over the top to get the cheese. This also means that navigating the complex maze of human interaction may make them seem a bit off, but never, never, underestimate the power of climbing over the maze. And when we classify them as "wrong" or use their unique perspective as an insult, we're throwing that genius away.

Toyoti's picture
No guys

They didnt nothing wake up the news updates was here for years but it never came before guys... Make a fking 1vs1 mode in ld its so easy and they are..... no comments Im playing since 2011 Im tired :D is my favorite game

Timoria's picture

You getting tweaks to your little corner of the world in a minigame that has no bearing on anything in the actual game will not keep the game from "dying." It's good that you enjoy it, but it's not the end all experience and it certainly is not the game's lifeblood. Embellishing your point will not alter that.

There are competitive, strictly PvP games you could go explore - Lockdown is not one of them. It's not meant to be. Focus more on your second point of discussing PvE additions. We are sure to get more in the future, as people have already said, since they are clearly listening to people.

Midnight-Dj's picture
pessimism level restored

Ah yes, the delusion of the GH cheerleaders reeks in this post.

Is SK dying? Yes, and yet like climate change deniers, the cheerleaders believe the end is not close. But, really, let's put things in perspective.

326 / 13143 X 100% = 2.5%, that is the percentage of players left from SK 'peak'. If that isn't dying I don't know what is.


Toyoti....put yourself in Grey Haven's shoes. Now, imagine someone slinging insults like "autist" at you, telling you to work harder, to make something for them. Sounds like indentured labor, doesn't it?

The only problem with that line of thinking Crispy nightmare, it is that some players here are PAYING CUSTOMERS. So it is not indentured labor, it is paid service, even if it is not labeled that way. Some players in this game, especially those who invested thousands into the game (looking at you EoS), are entitled to some level of efficiency.

A little respect goes a long way, and insults like the thread title have no place in SK...

Clearly it didn't, GH still aren't opening up after the player base cooed and babied them for almost 5 years, showering them in praises that they don't deserve and yet they still refuse to come out of hiding, I for once have since ran out of patience with these people.

GH doesn't deserve respect for the way they ran the game, for squandering its potential. Giving us tone deaf update like the treasure vault, a dungeon that could have been better if, you know, it is player tested? Turbillion is a normal damage sword so it is really just a vanity item, the veteran may use it once or twice but no more, seeing it as just another 5* weapon they will never finish heating.

SK is still broken after all these years, and the developer's insistence to do things their own way is very, should I say 'autistic' in its very nature? Autism could be used to, in rare occasions (like temple grandin) be used as an advantage, but more often than not, autism just produce yet another 30 yo neck beard MLP fan or a Chris-Chan (yeeks).

Timoria's picture

Opening with an insult is always a good choice if you're trying to discredit everything you have to say after. Quite the bold move, and I commend you for it.

Keep in mind the general premise of this thread was "SK is going to die because Lockdown didn't get changes"

Nowhere in this thread did anyone argue the dying bit in general. Grey Havens "keeps games operational for as long as possible." We all know that. We're here to help extend the lifespan and enjoy the game. If you're here to spit more vitriol than the Dread Venom Striker, your message immediately becomes invalid.

They are not "paying customers." They are people who chose to donate their money on a game they enjoyed, for a chance to get something shiny, etc. They knew what they were doing. That does not give them any higher right to dictate how the game should be run. A "paying customer" would be one who purchases a subscription to continue a service; something Spiral Knights definitely is not based around. They are not "entitled" to anything because they chose to donate money.

If you've truly run out of patience, you wouldn't be tossing word salad all over this thread currently. In fact, I would assume that you wouldn't be here at all. You'd be elsewhere doing something that brings you enjoyment since I feel this place fails to do that anymore. Perhaps having a cup of tea, or petting a small animal. I recommend a capybara if you get the chance. They are very friendly with everything. We could all learn from the capybara.

In response to the Treasure Vault - not everything needs player tested. Sometimes you just want to get content you are proud of out into the world and see live reactions to it from the entire player base. That makes it easy to see the overall feel, what works, what doesn't and what needs tweaked which can then be patched later on. I think it came out fine. It's still a bit too easy to cheese with an Iron Slug, but overall it's gotten better than its initial release. That's something.

For the Turbillion, it's a weapon people have asked about for years. It's less about adding another weapon to the arsenal and more doing something small that held a lot of meaning. While it may seem trivial, it was well meaning and generally well received with the only complaints being that it followed in the Spur's footsteps. That is to say, inherent flaws that have not yet been addressed and easily still can. I'm sure they will be.

You don't have to have patience or hope. That's okay. I have enough for the both of us. If it makes me a "cheerleader," as you put it, then I'll just have to find myself a pair of pom-poms. When the shutdown announcement does come in the future, by all means have your "I told you so" moment. For now, there are a lot of people who are excited about things picking back up and still actively enjoy the game - myself included.

Here's that capybara in the meantime.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Midnight pulls our beautiful cheerleader hair on the forums because he is secretly in love with me.

The other day we were in the locker room after soccer practice and everyone had gone. I felt something wiz past my head and it was her garment. He left a note written on the garment- if I wanted to date her I needed to bring a flowers and he would take me on a date to the Spaghetti Factory, where they take children's dreams and turn them into mass produced spaghetti which is perfect for me because I love dreams and spaghetti and hate children.

Grey Haven has kind of neglected us historically but lately they've been trying realllllly hard like super hard and Midnight needs to work with them instead of against them. Otherwise they will cry. She needs to bring them the flowers not demand the flowers just like with me. Buy their delixious boxes of content and spill the content onto the ground like wine so that the peasantry in haven can feed like snipes on the ground.

And this is for the rest of you well-

Funny story I used to hate olives but today I decided to eat the olives so I got a gallon of olives and I ate them all. I still don't like olives but now I understand a lot more in the universe, how the olive plant grows and why we use their oil. I think Midnight is just like the olives-- xer can say mean things but ultimately we need to treasure Midnight.

Midnight-Dj's picture

We're here to help extend the lifespan and enjoy the game.

If so then we are terrible at our jobs, looking at the fact that 2.5% of the original player base from it peak of SK remained.

If you're here to spit more vitriol than the Dread Venom Striker, your message immediately becomes invalid.

Yes, how dare I express hatred and frustration at a developer that doesn't communicate with the fan base and insists on doing things their way? If I have any emotion other than hope, joy and happiness, I must be invalid. The way you exclude people who do not share the same emotion as you makes me wonder if those school shooters were justified in their hatred against the society.

But I think regardless of whether or not you think my opinions are invalid, one thing remains true, it is that GH will do things their own way. Just like an autistic mouse that crawls over the maze hall and bolt directly for the cheese. GH ignores the traps and treasure in the maze, that been any praise and criticism, headed towards that indeterminate goal of 'keeping the game alive as long as possible'. If that even is their goal. All I said in my OP is that calling GH autistic is somewhat fitting.

They are not "paying customers." They are people who chose to donate their money on a game they enjoyed, for a chance to get something shiny, etc. They knew what they were doing.

What? If those are donations then do you care to clarify why it is called purchasing CE/prize boxes and not donating to GH in maintaining the game? Since purchase something would automatically makes whomever purchased that item, a 'customer'. If I go to an amusement park, I am NOT donating money to the park staff, I am paying to have fun, therefore I am still, by definition, a customer. And if I am not having fun in said amusement park, then I am entitled to tell the park staff to entertain me.

When people buy things in SK for RL money, I highly doubt they want the developer to spend it on buying a capybara or other leisure items. After all, a set of costume would be worthless if the server is down, following that logic, every purchase is a bid to keep the game alive. And as such, paying players should be entitled.

If you've truly run out of patience, you wouldn't be tossing word salad all over this thread currently.

Please finish my entire sentence, I ran out of patience with GH, not their game. I certainly wish SK can be handed to more keen developers since GH themselves show little interests in returning the game to its former glory. Hell, just give SK's server rights to the players and let them play in 'single player' mode and design their own dungeon would be nice.

In response to the Treasure Vault - not everything needs player tested. Sometimes you just want to get content you are proud of out into the world and see live reactions to it from the entire player base.

That is an awful statement consider the fact there are, not one, but FOUR new elements introduced to the game with little to no warning. Echo blocks, razors, monster garage and a new boss. These element certainly warrant testing before release.

When treasure vault first came out, even some of GH most die hard cheerleaders complained about the mechanics, which is saying something when even Fangel is complaining about the payout. The reception would have been much more positive if these things are fixed pre-release, and judging by the speed it is implemented, this is a case where GH should have waited.

And even post buff, the payout seems to be hovering at the 1K range, you can get those on the first level of FSC. So at the end of the day, Treasure vault is just another high risk - low reward dungeon that will soon fade into memory like compound, if you can even find it that is.

While it may seem trivial, it was well meaning and generally well received with the only complaints being that it followed in the Spur's footsteps. That is to say, inherent flaws that have not yet been addressed and easily still can. I'm sure they will be.

Looking at the state of bombs and bomber gears, I am not sure where your confidence came from.

When the shutdown announcement does come in the future, by all means have your "I told you so" moment. For now, there are a lot of people who are excited about things picking back up and still actively enjoy the game - myself included.

I think I have said this before when I was debating with Fangel, but the thing is, I don't need to have that moment. That moment has already came to pass. The truth is, SK will die whether you like it or not. Eventually, in the distant, future, where neither you or I would be playing this game. It will go out in a whisper. And the people who are 'exited about the game' is simply not there, 300 ish players for a MMO this old is not too shabby, but this is by no means an indication of good health.

Toyoti's picture

You are new in this game I think SK in him best moment was when a lot of guilds was playing GvG because this game has a big potencial for competitive mode, I play a lot of games competitives like LoL and CS GO but my favorite competitive game was GvG with Beware against Jempire, Order of Venus, EoS in 2013-2014 trolls all you dont know nothing about upgrade this game...

Chainguy's picture
Big fat no + Other things

There was no way SK would've been "Competitive" with PvP, you are taking words out of your mouth. Even back then when Chaos wasn't buffed and stuff, or BK didn't exist, Wolver was almost the number 1 go to set with rarely any variety, along with literally no-one playing Recon or Guardian. Even now, Striker dominates both by a large margin, it's a clear sign it's a very unbalanced mess.

Balancing an Co-Op focused game around PvP was a bad idea in the first place, the only reason Polaris got nerfed because people wouldn't shut up about it. I'll say they could of done alot more to make PvP at least a bit balanced such as disabling Unique Variants, but GH would never bother otherwise. LoL, CS:GO, etc have nothing to do with SK at all, not even close to in gameplay style. You are making up complete garbage at this point and doing poorly at it.

Also, screw off with that. "You are new to this game" "Trolls all you dont know nothing about upgrade this game..." you are asking to get hated with such insults. Most of us are veterans here and know usually what we are talking about along with having the experience, you clearly don't with the way you are speaking, thinking PvP is the only thing keeping this game alive. People move on and had enough, Jempire did the same, stop crying like a baby they quit and moved on with their gaming lives.

If you also think using Autism in any way as an insult is going to help, then you can go get corrupted by the Swarm and lose your soul for all i care. I suffer it myself, and that to me is very offensive as much as i hate to make it personal in public. Picking on anyone else with the disability would also promote my wrath. Get out or rethink your words, accept what you did wrong or you future SK career is looking grim.

I'm fully siding with @Midnight-Dj in this thread, summing up my same issues with GH. Lootbox spam has only succeeded in hurting the game, pushing away players and wasting tons of resources on those while instead could've been spent on actual content. More so with the rise of banning gambling in games thanks to EA's antics with Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)

Owlite Wand does not count by the way as content, or any other Pay2Win weapon behind lootboxes. It's garbage and behind a gambling paywall, it could of served far better as a craftable weapon from the Black Kat event. It would of been fitting also acting as a long lost relic you could restore with crafting, as the Black Kats themselves having wiped out the Owlite civilization and most traces of them.

@Timoria You need to rethink some things you said, especially this line: "Not everything needs player tested"
Flat out bird poop and a lie, if you don't let people test your content, it's very likely to be unbalanced and not fun to play.
This is exactly what happened and GH is the guilty verdict not wiling to open back up the test server to let us test the content and give feedback. Even after release in which they requested the latter, they took none of it except buffing Treasure Vault payouts, which are still poor even in Stratum 6 and doesn't fit what a place full of crowns should pay out.

We're talking like 3x or even 5x the payout going through such an unbalanced level, you'll likely want Treasure Vaults in those depths for Radiant Fire Crystals otherwise. I'm still only running them to grab an 2nd Misplaced Promissory Note, then i'm not touching them ever again outside of party runs or in Stratum 6 if i still need Radiants.
That in itself will be moot soon, as i have only four 5 star weapons left to heat not behind Pay2Win, three i yet to obtain from PvP. Been running Dreams & Nightmares alot to get them.

Instantly any thoughts i had on your side of things went to zero with that line as stated, even lines before that i was not agreeing with and not even close to questionable. That's enough from my end, wish to not escalate this further and not have Crowbars handed out in almost drawing the line of being offensive and avoiding being Sir-Swears-Alot.

Fallen-Feces's picture

Number 11: Your spiral knight will die.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

@Midnight DJ

I suppose my question for you is what you'd like for them to do and why it's necessary-- after all, they've been putting out a few actual content updates in their usual slow fashion and then some.

Midnight-Dj's picture

For starter, in response to your bowl of word salad before, I don't see a reason why I needed, or obligated to help GH. Keep in mind they refused pretty much every attempt at help from the player base. And I sure as hell won't be spending money on a game developer who showed (and still show) so little care for the player base.

What you or I want is ultimately meaningless, I can give you all the justification in the world but it won't matter if GH is deaf to our pleads.

Treasure vault is the prime example of this tone deafness. A dungeon no one asked for and as far as I could recall, no one even suggested. Ask yourself when was the last time anyone who wanted treasure trove to be more challenging?

Despite many GH cheerleaders harping on about how this content is great, I see as the testament to just how out of touch GH is with its community. They spent Vog knows how long on a dungeon that is rare and challenging, introducing new elements without actually elaborate on any of it. All of this for a less than stellar payout. They wasted both their effort and our patience. It is actually pretty frustrating.

As for the torbillion, it is par for the course, much like the gunner update, it came too little too late. And since the flaws of the spur line are still not fixed, then this is more or less just a pitiful token gesture. And as with the broken forge system, the 5* spur is just another burden on the player.

I hope you can see where I am getting at, GH add new things before the old issues are even fixed. Introduce a new set of weapon is meaningless if they are unbalanced to began with. Like the autistic mouse you described, they ignore the maze that is fixing bugs and ran straight for the cheese that is 'new contents'.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

So you want bug fixes from them and not new stuff?

They have a section titled bug fixes right in the patch notes, and fixed some bugs above that so they are kind of doing what you want but you're still upset because they aren't good enough? Turbillion's charge does feel a bit buggy still so I'll give you that.

What they need is the new content, the turbillions, the chesters, and they need them frequently. This keeps your game relevant in people's minds, on their newsfeed, and as a part of their life. They could do better, and I see this recent update as them starting to realize a few key things about this model.

Lastly, while it doesn't matter what we think to them, it matters very much to me what you think Midnight. You've been on here for a while and I rather like you, despite you calling me some kind of cheer leader lmao

Toyoti's picture
+1 Midnight-Dj

Is so hard make this to GH?

I think no but they never listen the comunity like Three Rings and my friends this is called autism.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I mean they don't have to make what you want verbatim 😂😂😂😂

Jerrytrollblue's picture
Midnight-Dj 100% right

Promos-Are-Content accept it, GH is not going to revive the game, it will die and you will loose all your hard earned stuff.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Oh no!

Fishysh's picture
Not muh stuff

This thread looks like one big dumpster fire so naturally I want in please.
Gray havens has a very, very small staff, I think that's very important to understand.
New content should come as a surprise, no matter what it is, and we should be grateful.
If you HATE how they don't listen to the community, and HATE how this game is d y i n g, and HATE how awful the new content is, the best things for you to do is to either find the reason why you still enjoy playing, or move on.
The reason the community is so small is because it's built of people who genuinly enjoy the game for what it is, and enjoy the tightly knit community.
If you do want more content at a machine gun ultra rapid pew pew pew pace, that requires either time or c r u n c h.
The authors of these kinds of threads have no patience, so crunch it is then!
A repeat of the Sega era, the one that drove away some of the most passionate devs, seems like what you people want.

Top-Platinum's picture
big sad

community: hey gh i have this beautiful id-

gh: no

community: understandable have a nice day

@Fishysh the first thing they could do is ban permanently auto target from lockdown, I even made a thread explaining how auto target in lockdown is the worst idea ever and all the benefits from removing it once for all, not a single reply from them and nowdays it's still enabled in lockdown. Not even a matter for small staff, it's them thinking this way is better, and so is for many other things which would need from little to no effort at all to change them and make the game slightly better and make the community happier. I really wouldn't defend them too much, another team would've done a better job especially if they actually loved the game. Releasing turbillion with the broken charge is also a big meme. SK would last way more if simply they'd put more effort and listen more instead of closing themselves off. You don't know how many would be happy by banning auto target from pvp, buffing few things, fixing few broken charges and so on. I highly doubt this is some insanely hard stuff to change, unless the game is filled of spaghetti code.

Fishysh's picture
AT makes me feel fonni

A lot of people play lockdown for fun, and autotarget helps the less hardcore players perform better, so there would be backlash on both sides methinks. I know the only reason I play ld is to autotarget and use the hammer dash. (Aren't there no AT weekend events?)

Yes you must be right about them not caring enough to fix small bugs or w/e, but they literally have one person working on both bugfixes and game development (according to my sources).
I can think of around 70 small bugs that would require almost no effort to change, but their effort is put into new content.

It does confuse me that, a couple years back, they seemed really excited that they had finally "fixed their backend issues" and are now more easily able to make smaller changes to the game, but we haven't seen the effects of that.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is...

Fix neutralizer damage please GH I'll give you the other half of my mayonnaise sandwich.

I agree wholeheartedly that GH should practise transparency.
If you look at Hopoo Games and Risk of Rain 2, the devs kept (and are keeping) the community in check about what they were working on and when. Hell, they even respond to questions from their twitter and blogs, and their balance changes are, wait for it, based on feedback from their discord. Being open with your community does go a long way, no matter the size. The last state of haven was a looong time ago...

Toyoti's picture
+1 Top-Platinum -1 Fishysh

Bro this isnt right autotarget is hack if you wanna play some game PvP who have auto target only the hackers can you play Counter strike with aim bot? this is ilegal and inmoral this is unskilled you talk about players who are bad is a nice excuse to use auto aim but players who are goods with asi vh and 4 bars abusing of paople with 1-2 bars without asis and at please be honest auto target always ruined this pvp like the unbalanced armos 0 variety on pvp only black kats before only chaos before only skolvers......

Fishysh's picture

Yeah man lets turn this into a ld thread man im so sick of these trash players tryna come in here and play how they want honestly ban them right now yes you heard me ban them right now because how dare they use something that is in the client of the game and is coded in there and available for use by everyone but honestly ban every person who doesnt frame perfect switch their alchemers and pointy sticks and honestly ban every player who doesnt sell their kidney and lung to move to the east coast so they have perfect ping because seriously im sick and tired of these idiot hackers on the west coast lagging in my ld matches please ban them theyre ruining my ld experience

Toyoti's picture
So... They cant appear here but they can do this (?)

0 interaction with the comunity.

We have a lot of post like this

Just listen the comunity 1 time GH and interactue with your little comunity you have only 100-400 players now why dont ?

they have changed the title but have left '' will die '' they accept this?.....

Fishysh's picture

It's not 0 interaction.
They hold art contests, and some gms come onto live streams to help promote the game!
It feels good to have a gm watching either your own stream or the same one you're viewing.
The general manager also hopped onto Fangel's discord when the update rolled out to collect input directly from us!
Hey, the gms even interacted with you because of your dumb title!
I'd say that we're actually probably at at least 3 or 4 interaction with the comunity.
It's nowhere near where it should be, but you gotta give them points where they earn them!
And yeah it's pretty realistic to say that something "will die". What, do you think everything lives forever in this wonderful existence of ours?

Elegies's picture
The active players have been

The active players have been consistent for years. Lessening very, very slowly over time. Content infusions bring some players back. But overall it is what it is. If they can pay their workers and keep the game running/lights on, it won't die.

If you check the trends, over the past year the active player count has never dropped below 200.

So sure, SK is dying. Extremely slowly. So slowly that to obsess over it or whine in Haven is just obnoxious.

Play the game and enjoy it, or don't.

Elegies pretty much won the thread

@Elegies has the most reasonable post so far in this thread.