If SK dies, we will all die IRL and in game

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Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

It's like the life stream from final fantasy it contains our souls and energy and we draw our "stuff" from it and without our "stuff" we are just stardust made from garbage. So I say we make it live by putting our energy into the game by making a community that's alive a super organism like an ant colony but with players it's so beautiful like skittles.

We will need to make single player lockdown a thing. Just one player that caps no fighting solo play the truest form of lockdown.

We will need to squeeze the juice even if the squeeze isn't worth the juice because a big glas of chester goes a long way

We will need to get that sandwhich in the middle of the night that beautiful sandwhich that makes the bullets get bigger

There is hope and it's going to be ok but we have to hold hands and welcome each other into our hearts the game will die someday just like everyone we've ever known and loved before and ourselves but that's ok. We must continue onward for Curdle.

You have my sword

You have my sword

Fishysh's picture
You're forgetting something

What if the game is scared of the players dying?
Are both of our existences intertwined, or can the game survive without us?
If it can survive on its own, who's gonna tuck it in at night.
Who's gonna feed the game its midnight sandwich.
Are we the aphids, and SK the ant?
Or are we all each other's caretakers?
All interesting questions, perhaps snipe person has the answers.