Bring Back Old Shard Bombs in a new Weapon Line

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Rakaraka's picture

If you guys don't remember, shard bombs used to function very differently. Why did you guys remove them from the game? You could have introduced the new version in a separate line.

Please bring back these weapons in a new bomb line. I suggest we call it the Photon Bomb. However, let's not completely copy old shard bombs, we can try different stats for these lines.

Elemental Photon Bomb Line
2* Photon Bomb - Normal Damage
3* Sun Bomb - Gains Construct Damage Bonus and Elemental Damage
4* Solar Sun Bomb - Gains Moderate Fire Status
5* Sacred Sun Bomb

Shadow Photon Bomb Line
2* Photon Bomb - Normal Damage
3* Moon Bomb - Gains Gremlin Damage Bonus and Shadow Damage
4* Magical Moon Bomb - Gains Moderate Freeze Status
5* Mesmorizing Moon Bomb

Gome-Xyz's picture

Bombs are in a bad place right now, there is only one pure elemental damage bomb and it happens to be terrible.
Reintroducing the old shards, especially as the game has evolved and legacy shards wouldn't be seen as "overpowered" today, would not be a bad idea, and would fix a handful of problems with bomber currently.

Fishysh's picture
Join in our crusade

Screw fixing neutralizer damage we need justice for bombers.
Too long have they been slaves to their sword using counterparts.
Too long have they suffered under the iron rule of acheron spamming overlords.
Today, my bombing brethren, we rise and fight back.
We want dps!
We want elemental damage!

They said it wasn't their intention to nerf shard bombs.
Lies! Cold lies!
We demand compensation for this deception. Seven years we have waited!
It's now or never!