to begin, I don't know if It belongs here, but here We go (play epic quest music... not that epic, a bit less... less... there, much better)
Hello everyone that came to read:
I read about GH thinking about Increasing the deeps of the "Arcade", not a bad Idea, but let me Word Up an Idea even if It's Pointless.
Here we go:
the problem is not the deep levels, the problem is that, after increasing it, people will complain about not being able to One shot everything y 40 squares around and beyond, more power will be added so i can One shot again, so more levels will be added and... so on, and SO Forth...
things like Mixmaster that 75shotdowns an enemy on a single click (shot) are not helping, those power creeps just add to the problem (let's not erase them from the game just tone them down a bit, let me explain a bit more before you throw a temper tantrum) because there is nothing difficult about the game if Anything even sees you before getting obliterated.
The game stalls if I get everything I need without small amount of risk, to extend the Idea a bit, If, If I have every stat I would want for 1 set and 1 Gun everything else becomes Sub-par, -"It's not es Effective as (insert combo here), I don't Like It" happen to become "A" Frase, or worse "THE" frase we see often causing a DPS Race that WON'T END, it will NEVER end.
We have the solution IN the game, It was always there... the UV... why?... simple let's take a look of what used to be needed to do Vanaduke for example:
- Volcanic Bomber Set (to be on the safe side) + Shivermist Buster (rank 10) = Max CDR
those 2 things allow me to keep Vanaduke from Moving During the Fray (I know the mask thing-y, and the helpers and those things), and I don't need anything else, I could do 45millions of Vanaduke without changing Anything to the point of stacking crowns to buy for example: Energy at the ridiculous cost of ~10 Vanadukes = 1 Energy, I could pay it, I anyone else can't well Sukcs to be them...
but, and just as an example: if, IF the
- SAME SET + BomB = Very High CDR (don't be literal about this)
I would have to expend Crowns Looking for the UV that allows me to get back the control of the fray... I din't have to Increase the Boss health, nor Armor, nor LeveL or remove anything from the game even add something new, I was THERE all the time.
Let's take a look on the Gunners sets (everybody loved/hated them) what if: WE as a Working team oF Community and Developers get to an agreement:
(retaining the Status resist/weakness and Specific Enemy bonus they already have, AND I Know they have Different Armor Types, let's use them as example of what could be if we tweak and tinker)
(perhaps was a bad example because you'll have every Option and we shouldn't, but we have Medium Bonus with both parts, that compelsme to go for UV's and that's my point today, you might be right on love/hate them for the variety of sets and that they cover everything, but gives you the need to go for UV's, sprite bonus, trinkets, things like those)
Tone Down a bit the Power Creeps weapons so when we add the sets the still need a UV to become the "MAX" the Game wont Need a HUGE Update, Just small tweaks, that we can experience more often/regular to see the game getting compelling and fun, and Interesting, I love the Idea behind this game, how can be Intricate sometimes I want it to Grow Better, Faster, Stronger (where I heard that before, NVM)
Thanks for Reading SO far, Bopp will try to kill me for this, I still like him/her/it? have a wonderful experience, and a lovely day
Atte.: Jcyrano
P.D.: you can Verbal vomit Now, and Temper Tantrum if you Want, Bye
You seem to be talking about power creep. You think that knights should be nerfed to make the game more challenging and hence more interesting. You think that players have gotten used to one-shot-killing monsters or completely suppressing monsters. They will be upset if they get nerfed. This is my guess for what you're saying.
I don't think that a quantitative nerf will make the game more interesting. I think that qualitative changes will. Here's an analogy. Which would you rather have: a new damage type or a new status condition? I'd rather have a new status, because statuses affect gameplay in interesting ways, whereas damage types are basically columns in a spreadsheet.