What if monster-family damage bonuses were not affected by the damage bonus cap?

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What if, when you would normally hit the damage bonus cap, monster-family damage bonuses still boosted your damage against monsters?

Say you wear the Black Kat set, Barbarous Thorn Shield, and wield a Wild Hunting Blade. Your damage bonuses with guns, bombs, and swords against most enemies would still be capped at +6, but against beasts you would have an effective +9 when using the Wild Hunting Blade.

Weapons with inherent monster damage bonuses would still be inferior in most cases, but at least they would have a niche and crafting them wouldn't be considered such a terrible mistake. Monster damage Unique Variants would be viable, and perhaps even sought after. While not an ideal solution, the extra potential damage could at least partially address the buffed HP of Shadow Lair monsters.

A popular suggestion

It's a popular suggestion, but I think it would ruin the game.

It would force people to get +4 monster damage bonus UVs on their weapons if they want to be competitive, because getting to +10 damage bonus is crazy strong. I am assuming there'd also be a +6 cap for monster bonuses? If not you'd probably want to wear something like Shadowsun Stetson, Deadshot Mantle and +4 damage from trinkets +3 undead perk and a +4 undead UV to get a +15 damage against undead on all your guns. If there is a +6 cap, then you could still get to +12 against undead. In any case, damage bonus like that will make your net damage output much higher than someone who sticks to the old +6 universal damage bonus. Damage bonus is just really powerful and that is why people insist on running +6 damage in the current meta. That is also why there is a cap in the first place.

I think monster damage bonus UVs can already aid players in the new Shadow Lairs. If you have +4 against a monster family that is weak to the weapons damage, you can suddenly use it with a more defensive armor set rather than being forced to use Black Kat. Yes they are not as useful when you want to do all levels with the same loadout, but for specific levels that +4 against X is going to be just as effective as a +4 against everything.

Making their damage bypass the cap is going to make the game super pay 2 win, because you'll need to roll +4 damage UVs on all your weapons, preferably in addition to ASI or CTR VH UVs if you want your gear to be "perfect".

Slyqouta's picture
we were pondering

Ive seen this before, and over all I agree with Zincamania

Me and a friend were bouncing around ideas to fix the monster damage bonuses, we came up with 3 solutions of varying degrees

1. separate the monster damage bonus and make them much more effective to warrant their use.

2. separate all damage bonuses and make their damage vary with weapon type damage bonuses being stronger than a general damage bonus and a monster type damage bonus being the strongest type.( each would still stack at 6)

3. basically 2 but monster damage bonuses also add a slight amount of damage type for what the monster damage type is weak to(damage vs beast/fiend would be pierce, but would primarily be closer to neutral like the old antigua lines) this idea was had when I told a friend about the chromalisk lines, one idea was to only have the element on the final hit in a combo or charge attack( a concern is that it might make some super weapons with the right UVs)this idea was a compromise between me and my friend.(I fear for p2w to get the best UVs to just do more damage)

Crazy-Horse's picture
Wonderful idea

I think this idea is just perfect. It brings back the importance of weapons that are monster specific rather than damage type specific.
This needs to be implemented immediately!

The antiguas, cold iron vanqs, wild hunting blades, amputators, and irontechs of cradle will become popular and the game will gain more variety. Bravo!

Fishysh's picture
This would do next to nothing

This would do next to nothing in sls. You need strategy, not offensive stats, to do well in those atm.
This would also be extremely toxic for vana runs. Suddenly the person who is rich enough to role the third slot on their already gm combust to undead vh gets much faster clear times than others. Getting overcapped damage on acheron would just crank its damage up way, way, way too high. Pair that with attack up consumables that increase damage by a percentage and boom, you've broken the game.