Alright Fish, lets talk about fixing Neutralizer's damage

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Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

There's more wrong with neutralizer than its damage, so fixing its damage wouldn't really do anything when the weapon needs a rework. Maybe it's a good idea to change that one line but the truth is that the weapon is going to be awful until they do something to make it feel right. What this rework needs to be isn't something I'm concerned with. Perhaps you have an idea?

Midnight-Dj's picture

Here is an old idea I had.

Catalyzer's normal shots do decent damage, basically blaster-lite with slower projectiles and less knockback.

Catalyzer's charge is a long one, but it releases a chain of three slow moving orbs, these orbs would stick to the closest enemy they come across, but they would attempt to tag as many as possible.

After the orbs released, any right click/normal attack action would immediately detonate the three orbs, damaging the target and anything nearby, turning catalyzer into a sticky mine gun.

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.

That requires too much ambition and too many lines of code to be changed though how could you?

Fishysh's picture
snipe person

There's a lot wrong with lots of different weapons.
I cannot gauge whether neut is awful or not because I literally cannot use it as it was "designed" because it is missing around 30% of its damage due to some genius having a typo when they were updating them in the gunner update I assume.
Midnight's change seems pretty cool, but it requires way too many code changes and code creation.
If they can prove themselves and fix this one line of code, then we can move on the how the weapon itself functions.

(as if they would rework a weapon in 2k19 xd)

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

They can fix and implement things. It isn't even hard for them.