Entries are here! No discussions in this thread, please. If you have any questions please address them in the main thread
Winners: https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/122540#comment-1068741
Entries are here! No discussions in this thread, please. If you have any questions please address them in the main thread
Winners: https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/122540#comment-1068741
Knight Name <> Matter-Displacer
Creation Link <> https://imgur.com/FmfzxSI
Creation link <> https://imgur.com/85PDu6W
Unlit <> https://imgur.com/ku0OKKo
Lit <> https://imgur.com/L3ctb6H
LIT AF <> https://imgur.com/ZhrwJmJ
Prize Preference <> Gatecrasher Helm (and maybe a mail from a gm with no subject and the body saying "ok")
Sorry! I forgot to put my name next to the WIP photos. Hope that doesn't cause any trouble, if it does please let me know and I'll make another pumpkin.
Knight Name <> Matter-Displacer
Creation Link <> https://imgur.com/cTi9FkP
Creation link <> https://imgur.com/WEg0eKP
Unlit <> https://imgur.com/Pcetsnv
Lit <> https://imgur.com/Qc8kBhH
LIT AF <> https://imgur.com/dkpyozk
Prize Preference <> Gatecrasher Helm (and maybe a mail from a gm with no subject and the body saying "ok")
Here is my rendition of a ghostly snipe here to haunt a weary knight
Knight Name: Indrack
Creation Link #1 (drawing): https://imgur.com/a/i17fswz
Creation Link #2 (partly cut): https://imgur.com/a/lOlG6K4
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/a/1lzxXeW
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/a/jE3iEAE
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm
My first time ever pumpkin carving, it didn't go as planed... this is the second attempt.
I need to say in advance I only realised now that I didn't prepare a piece of paper with my name while taking creation photos, tough luck, might try to make another one before the deadline.
Knight Name: Konraderx
Twitter Handle: @Konri_ONE
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/ns6zK2o
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/OMi2Dqn
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/a/ZxlHFsR
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/a/fEhWrR1
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm or Ghostly Aura
Interesting pumpkin this year with having two layers to it. Didn't turn out as well as I've hoped but this will have to do!
Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Twitter Handle: @DrawingPolygon
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/meSTbBA
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/na3Agbh
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/fjZxSff
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/LQAxbmh
Album Link (BONUS): https://imgur.com/a/lygePuT
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm
Good old-fashioned Punch works wonders.
Knight Name: Spiralka-Chan
Twitter: @spiralkachan
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/LLheIPM
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/25dbRPH
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/vmvCNyR
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/XWepCD9
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/hoQn4N6
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/GleyD9D
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/Zfch5ez
Album (+ scary bonus): https://imgur.com/a/4yPxd5B
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm
For family and university studies I could not finish my pumpkin well. I feel sad about that, but I still want you to see my little project.
Knight Name: Zetaceo
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/t9Fy01x
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/R8en1HP
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/QbbE7S7
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/a/F8JW4ln
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/a/tVP5evI
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm
Thank you for all the entries, judging is now underway.
Knight Name: Legobuild
Twitter Handle: @lego2build
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/HLd9f5X
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/RlJU2Gv
Unlit Link: https://imgur.com/ChCv4VI
Lit Link: https://imgur.com/0pGmQkL
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm (and some purple fireworks? <3)