Selling Celestial Orbitgun, Pill Eyes, Pris Halo~ | WTB Mixmaster

IGN: Nindef
Discord: Nini#9700
I am active pretty much everyday, just shoot me a PM and I'll reply within hours.
- I do not mind if we deal in crowns or E as long as the rate is correct.
- I do not reserve items nor do I give out loans of any kind.
- I do not rely on purely Auction House prices or Legobuild’s “Price checking tool”.
- Most prices are negotiable, send me a reasonable offer and we can discuss it further.
- Overcharged Mixmaster Clean or Uv’d (Any help towards finding one will be greatly appreciated).
- Amethyst Hood
- Mirrored Lockboxes
Special items up for offers:
- Celestial Orbitgun AsiH CtrL [no c/o]
- Pill Eyes [c/o 10ke]
- Cocoa Snipe Aura. [This is a personal item - I will only consider depending on the offer]
- Brandish Asi MED
- Brandishes Ctr MED
- Brandish Ctr HIGH [4ke]
- Prismatic Halo x 2 [15ke b/o]
- Magmatic Crown
- Blazing Scarf [5ke]
- Regal Scarf [5ke]
- Blazing Wings
- Fancy Gen 1 Wings [8ke]
- Surge Dragon Wings
- Magmatic Fanatic Wings [14ke]
- Prismatic Ruinous Crystal
- A lot of low tier accessories.
- Costumes -
- Amethyst Cloak [1.6ke]
- Peridot Cloak [1.6ke]
- Sapphire Cloak [1.6ke]
- Autumn Cloak [1.6ke]
- Peridot Slime Guards
- Emerald Slime Guards
- Citrine Slime Guards
- Most Blazing Costumes [Shoot me a PM and I will check if I have it]
prismatic halo 12ke
apocrean crown 10ke
solar plasma wings 20ke (discount to guildie)
ctr vh asi low combuster 16ke
prismatic glow eyes 7ke
volcanic halo 10ke
prismatic cat tail 12ke
glacial tome of rage 120kcr
ASI H arcana 12ke
arctic disciple wings 2ke + volc gen 1s + st blue airbreaker
glacial extension cord 4ke
shadow valk wings 14ke (discount to guildie)
hacked aura 14ke
glacial extra vents 2ke
arctic disciple wings 16ke
ASI H blaster 5ke
prismatic ruinous crystal 14ke
prismatic glow eyes 6.5ke x2
arctic pauldrons 5ke
crest of winter 1.5ke
shock med black kat cowl 8ke
celestial wolver tail 4ke
ASI M umbra driver 5.5ke
arctic rogue mail 250kcr
arctic disciple wings 19ke
asi VH gran faust 20ke (discount to guildie)
CTR Med electron vortex 8ke
ASI M nova driver 6ke
glacial dust bunny 2ke
arctic rogue mail 250k
arctic rogue mask 40kcr + crest of summer + 4 low tier glacial accs
Asi MED final flourish 4ke (sold to guildie for unbind)
glacial spiraltail 2ke
glacial cat tail 200kcr