
8 replies [Last post]
Rakaraka's picture


Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Merchants are an ugly breed.

Buying low and selling high means ripping off two people for personal gain, which generates a negative impact on the game, the community, and even the developers, just so that you can look nice, or make "profit" so as to be the richest knight. I don't think this is how we should be playing the game.

Rather than waste your time begging people to pay too much or sell for too little, you could get a job and spend money on the game, propagating it to some extent. If you want something, you can and should work for it and buy it.

Midnight-Dj's picture

Rather than waste your time begging people to pay too much or sell for too little, you could get a job and spend money on the game, propagating it to some extent. If you want something, you can and should work for it and buy it.

No, get a job and spend money on developers that actually talk to their player base and care for them. Don't reward GH's bad behavior and radio silence with more of your own hard earned cash, maybe then they would budge and give us some concessions.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

This is called voting with your wallet, Midnight.

Allow me to say the quiet part nice and loud- You vote to have no power and bad mouth the developers while I pay them to keep me here. In the end, people like you get banned. I learned that the hard way. Now I say nice things and pay them money, and look, no more forum infractions.

I like that they don't give us concessions because they give me concessions. You think I didn't want treasure vaults to be hard and the game to be played at a slower rate? You think I want people to have access to radiant fire crystals? Now run along like a good little lady and enjoy your time on Curdle's forums while it lasts because with your attitude things will be going sour right quick now.

Rakaraka's picture
Kek Kek


Toyoti's picture
Nice guie but...

Is usseles when this game has only 200 players actives and the 99% of this players are olds in this game...

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Look buddo you can justify whatever you want but whenever I log on there are leeches everywhere trying to buy my items for nothing and sell me nothing for everything I've got.

Rakaraka's picture


A retort

I. The player base is a mix of new and old. There is mostly veterans, however, there is still a significant part of new people testing it out for whatever reason.
II. Not everyone can get a job. There's a reason there's frictional, structural, and cyclical unemployment.
III. selling in mass for a low profit margin both is a decent way of getting crowns, and helps lower the total energy cost, effectively making the game more new player friendly.
IV. It's still ripping someone off. Even if they don't care for the price it still scamming them for the value, especially if they don't know.
V. "...we should be able to play how ever we want as long as it doesn't go against TOS." Yes. Which includes, mind you, a lot of other things you would get rather mad about (like bots).
VI. This method is also outdated, with most people buying already have things like recipes, or have no use for sparks. Old for-sure sales are maybes at best.
VII. Ever thought of making a spread sheet that people cold put costs of items on? That would help the community.