😡 Grey Havens are you kidding us? 😡
Now they ban for use the /zone to sell something ! BOOM ! https://imgur.com/a/njeuSIg 💣
1. This has always been done.. ✅
2. This makes no sense, since there are people who are not in the trade channel and they have no idea about him... ✅
3. People can use type /ignore /silence and more commands to mute spam... ✅
4. This game have low public like to lose it with this nonsense. ✅
5. I think gray havens should start to develop new content and do serious things to lift the game to put aside this nonsense. ✅
- Make Spiral Knights great. Thanks you.
Greetings Kyojuro .
That looks more like a warning than a ban. Anything else?
You can get banned for breaking any rule repeatedly, including this. The reason that it's ok to ban for repeatedly breaking the rules should be obvious, as at that point it's not about the specific rule you're breaking as much as it's about the fact that you'd be refusing to comply with the game's rules. Yes, GH should've actually enforced their rule way earlier, but that doesn't mean that the rule is a bad one.
I was a victim of this also over 3 weeks ago out of the blue, forcing me to only post trades in the trade chat from then on to avoid risking a unfair ban in the future out of fear. By no means i am trying to defend GH, but i have gut feelings there might be trolls behind this that are false reporting any traders they can find.
Steam screenshot here: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/763846954799543448/51B478F57A...
People have a number of ways to tell us traders if we're being annoying or not. They only need to speak up, or put us on /ignore. Reporting just for this is being a straight up jerk, and we have no way of knowing that nor GH. Either GH is being misled or only enforcing it now as it is, which is a dumb decision when this sort of trade advertising has been done for years while avoiding being spammy. GH should instead implement something like a chat tutorial so people right from the get-go know a trade channel exists.
Also OP, i hate to bring this here but you pulled this nonsense before in previous threads but please for the love of goodness don't bring rude trash into here such as calling "Humans" stupid, that's more of an insult to everyone and only asking for trouble. That's not a way to start a discussion and more of a way to start some arguments. Only input, that is all.
One way this could be solved is by incorporating the chat mechanics that have basically become a standard in MMos where you have different tabs for various chat types. For example, you can switch to a tab that only shows local chat, PMs, guild, trade, etc. The current method is a bit too cluttered too imo. We should also get the option for a custom tab where we can show multiple chat types like combining local, pm, and guild so we don’t have to constantly switch to check for new messages if we want. This would be extremely helpful for sorting different chat types. I think Trade chat should be visible to every haven instance since buy/sell messages can (but not always) be understood by most languages when we only use abbreviations and the item name without extra words. I feel like Zone should be visible to all haven instances within the current language instance you’re in. I feel like this would be a very helpful and fairly simple thing to add.
Been hearing a lot about this last few weeks, I can understand not using multiple channels at the same time. Was very common to see a /zone "ad" followed by a /trade "ad" almost everyone does it but if they want to start enforcing it this far in I think it'd be better they give us a more public disclosure rather than wasting time pestering people that do this on occasion. I still use zone chat for ads but I don't do trade at the same time or vice versa i'll switch them every 10 minutes or so, I've yet to receive the infamous warnings yet.
It's been policy for years --- since launch. My impression is that Grey Havens does not have the worker hours to continually police less-important things like this. So they enforce sporadically. I wish that players would just follow the policy. Instead I'm permanently opted-out of not just /trade but also /zone. Boo.
Yeah it's been widespread as of late for people to get warnings regarding the zone chat. Makes no sense, as the average player has no idea that trade chat even exists but it's best not to question.
Knights are not banned for using chat to trade, though we do have an entire channel dedicated to it. You may get warnings (and eventually a ban if you fail to heed them) if you are spamming the chat. Spamming /= selling. Spamming is repeatedly sending the same message over and over in a way that prevents others from being able to communicate. This has always been enforced. If you're unsure, wait a min before re-sending your same message again.
I've yet to hear about anyone getting banned for this. I know people are getting warnings, but I'd like to see real proof of bans before we outrage or anything.