How does materials sinks?

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Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

You know that mission? The daily one where you trade in like 5 materials and get some prestige?

Make it require 10 to 100 times the amount of materials, depending on what they are..
Let players do it over and over again, for one entire week..
Give the player 1-5K crowns every time they do it..


This creates artificial demand for a specific material and for that week, your runs are going to pay much more if you fight whatever drops those materials that the Spiral Order demands of you. Currently the best run for crowns is Vanaduke, but with this it could be Jelly King, or Wolver Den, or Compounds or what have you.

As for the excess crowns this will immediately generate? Well. I really wouldn't worry too much because Punch is a REAL big ole crown sink and the merchants will have a field day hoarding it all, and the auction house will go nuts and we'll all have a Merry Christmas.

Bomber-Max's picture

Maybe... halve the payout? So "energy for crowns" inflation don't go nuts? I don't know how inflation works so... +1

I think it's a pretty cool idea because it gives other ways to grind.
Maybe, they should put a payout for completing daily missions (the ones that you actually play), so you have a reason for doing it? Like crowns, a orb of your choice, or a pack of fire crystals of your choice?

Rambocreativity's picture

No complaints so far, enjoyed the concept.

Mentlegen's picture
good suggestion, but it will

good suggestion, but it will never happen now that you posted it

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

They've actually "accepted" or rather looked at a few of my ideas. They haven't turned out particularly well but I still try and I've learned a ton from things. Like I suggested making swiftstrike buckler reskins, and they did and it didn't turn out well, but shield costumes came. I guess I thought shield costumes would be too much work but here we are. Waaay better than my swiftstrike idea.

They've also ignored me on a few key issues that didn't turn out well either, like the reversing catalyzer shots. Totally called that out as not doing anything, totally right.

Overall I'm more careful with my suggestions these days.