Regarding a DLC item..
Sorry, I really feel this is the wrong forum but I'm new and I feel it's the most appropriate. I'm sorry I also don't understand the etiquette here. I have played the game only a few previous times for a total of about 5 hours previously, however I recently picked it up again and now I've passed the point I was at before in the game. At the time of writing I have 19 hours in this game and I plan to continue playing.
On to the topic, I have Total War: Shogun 2 in my steam library and so it means I have the Spiral Knights: Shogun Helmet DLC installed on spiral knights. The issue is that I never received the item, and it's not in my steam inventory either for spiral knights. I'm not sure how items are delivered but from what I heard it comes in the mail. I don't understand how this works and so I fear that I missed the item long ago and it's been cleared from the mail. I have 3 characters but I only play on one right now and because I was a bit desperate I've checked all the other mails in the other accounts but to no avail.
I really would like help if there is anyway to re-retrieve the helmet because it's just really cool looking. I'm really enjoying the game and my experience would greatly improve simply by getting this helmet. It sounds very minimalistic but please understand. I greatly appreciate any response!
Thank you for reading, this community seems really nice. (Kkyra)
Okay, it makes sense. I thought this would be the case. I've found that grinding for the in-game currency is a bit of a chore so I'm likely to not get it :(
I really appreciate it though, thanks for looking into this stuff for me
I did a little bit of research regarding this, and it seems that this helmet was only obtainable in that form during the Steam Total War Weekend, where you would get it as a bonus for buying the game you mentioned. So unfortunately it is no longer obtainable in that manner.
Not to worry though, as the helmet is still obtainable, as it goes up on the Auction House every now and then, and sometimes is on Supply Depot sales, so you can still purchase it there, but for in-game currency.
Hope I helped to the degree I could.