Return of the Dragons Promotion Box

2 respuestas [Último envío]

Return of the Dragons Promotion
Revamped/Reskinned variants of the various chroma suits already existing
Variety of scale helms and scale mails
Chinese Dragon Whiskers(a facial accessory in the form of wavey streamer like whiskers)
Dragon Wings(existing dragon wings with potently some new variants)
Dragon Tails(reptilian themed tails with spike like protrusions)
Welp Tails(just an accessory form of the small tails on chroma suits)
Long Horns(Accessory where horns affix in the helmet and go backwards)
Diablo Horns(Accessory similar to raider horns but facing forward on the helmet rather than upward)
Devious Horns
Wyvern Egg Bandolier(like the bomb bandolier but reptilian eggs)
Kleptolisk Welp, Salamander Welp, Tundralisk Welp, Virulisk Welp, and Electrolisk Welps.
Inferno Aura(similar to chilled aura but a fiery swirling effect rather than snow)
Storm Aura(Electric themed that leaves small storm cloud trails)
Blizzard Aura(similar to gem auras but with a wintery effect)
Scaley Aura(an aura that drops scales from the armor of the knight)
Dragons Breath(appearance of a Chinese dragon firework)(volcanic pepperbox reskin)
Dragon Egg Bombs(that begin to crack open as they detonate)

Just some ideas I threw together and I mean who doesn't like dragons?
If anyone else has cool ideas or input on this please comment them, feed my dreams.

Great idea

I think this is a great idea and this would be very easy to implement. Starting with the texturing of existing designs would be nice, and I think very popular. In addition, having a chroma theme introduction in addition to the already outfits one can make would boost the popularity of that as well. I don't think it should be hard to work through.

The reskin dragon bomb, would be one, I would be glad to grab. maybe a shard bomb reskin? with dragon shells pop out and a 'snarbolax-hologram' except dragon-like hologram popping out, would be neat.


Added dragon Chinese whiskers *.*