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WRH in Alita: Battle Angel

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Bopp

Recently I saw the film Alita: Battle Angel, in which the Dr. Ido character uses a rocket-powered spike-maul weapon. Apparently it's faithful to the underlying manga Gunnm, which predates Spiral Knights. Warmaster Rocket Hammer looks a lot like this weapon.

Portrait de Thinslayer
Hope you don't mind the necro-bump

I agree. When I saw that in the movie, I thought of the Warmaster Rocket Hammer, also. I wonder if that was ultimately the inspiration for the rocket hammer, or if the idea was developed independently.

Portrait de Bopp

Thanks for responding. It's such a weird idea, and so similar in its details, that I would guess it's a rip-off/homage. But what do I know?

Portrait de Guin-Aoiichi
Odds are

That it probably IS a reference... more than likely to either the Anime or the manga.

Other references i've seen :

Back to the Future
Dirty Harry movies
LOZ ( my opinion the gameplay sometimes reminds me of LOZ )