Separate cooldowns for battle sprite abilities.

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It has always struck me as odd, and has been quite annoying to me, that sprite abilities share a cooldown, even though the duration is different. Using firebolt on the drakon only incurs a small cooldown but it still disables flame barrier, but using flame barrier puts firebolt on a 36 second (with max focus) cooldown even though you didn't use it. I haven't got the ultimate yet but I imagine the cooldown is even longer for that. I don't know if this has been suggested before, I searched "battle sprite" and didn't find much, but what if the cooldowns were separated for each ability? Using firebolt only puts firebolt on cooldown for its smaller duration, using flame barrier puts only flame barrier on cooldown for its higher duration, and then the ult which I haven't gotten to yet works the same.

Xakepa's picture
I've been thinking the same.

I've been thinking the same. Great idea actually, cooldowns have never been shared in any game with skills involved so it's really odd. Maybe slightly nerf each skill so they don't get too powerful(doubtful)

Niezumiko's picture
update the whole sprite system.

I completely agree the 3 skills should have separate cooldowns. the whole sprite system could use a update though. things like more sprite collar/harness options, let each sprite wear a different harness instead of it equipping to every sprite, and allow us to equip more buffs that are sprites give us. there are a few empty squares that literally do nothing on the sprite menu below the selected sprite buff we have equipped, I think they should add a option to get up to two extra sprite buff slots that would cost around 100 energy each every 30 days similar to how getting extra trinket slots and weapon slots work.

Crazy-Horse's picture

Hey i agree 100% this needs to be implemented immediately