Here's the correct opinion on the best Lockdown players from 2015-2019. Do not share your opinions and/or argue against the correct way of thinking. (-_-)
The Legit, Actual Top 50 Rankings:
- Epic-Legend-Knight
- Swordofomen
- Silent-Remains
- Ackir
- Fears-Xz
- Banjara
- Pawsmack
- Manlet
- Retskov
- Interse
- Divulge
- Trinity-Limit
- Shu-Jin-Kang
- Il-Whale-Il
- Aritherial
- Bubbly-Kush
- Ttoyk
- Firetorpedo
- Uvyy
- Swwz
- Tiuvy
- Armourer
- Refraizen
- Teddysmacker
- Satsui-Ryu
- Staruse-Jr
- Serazia
- Zilverr
- Holladolla
- Rhons
- Thirtythread
- Bearsmacker
- Astrou
- Screith
- Saltyrockmonkey
- Sigle
- Ascendent-Itzvitus
- Waffaruu
- Disgrace-Of-Zeus
- Amayorii
- Trowser
- Meppa
- Olzdenz
- Talsam
- Atmu
- Luc-Bri
- Zalden
- Shen-She
- The-Gear-Knight
- Pwnswag
** If you want to complain about placements or become enlightened, do not let me know about your inferior opinions.
When you get so hurt that you copy paste a list and reorder them with your friends at the top