IGN: Chezberger
Discord ID: Xyphyria#3116
Note: Unless you contact via Discord DM, I likely will not respond within days or even weeks
All prices listed are buyouts, and are negotiable :P
Energy and crowns both accepted, using current Energy Sell Offers as conversion. Trade offers are generally accepted.
NOTE: Some prices may be off, feel free to correct me if they are over/underpriced!
- None atm
Costume Helmets
- Volcanic Node Slime Mask (60kcr(?) )
- Blazing Tailed Helm x3 (2.5ke each)
Costume Armors
- None atm
Costume Shields
- Shadowtech Airbreaker Shields [Green, Orange, Pink] (Unsure, allegedly 1.8-2.3mcr)
- Spike Mohawks [Cool, Dusky, Fancy, Toasty]
- Game Faces [Fancy, Heavy, Toasty]
- Celestial [Plume, Mech'tennas, Dragon Wings] (500e, 1ke, 12.5ke)
- Vertical Vents [Dusky] (2ke)
- Ankle Boosters [Fancy, Heavy, Toasty] (3.5ke)
- Shoulder Booster [Dusky] (Most recent sale I've heard of is 40ke for a Fancy one)
- Most/All Standard Hallow Costume Pieces (varies)
- Many Smaller Regular Colored Items (eg. Toasty Mecha Wings)
- None atm
Lowered a few, raised that of Humbug Hat. Bormp