A list of minor QoL improvements

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While I presume none of the devs or staff aside from the moderators still actively read this section, I still feel obligated to share some input about small changes that I presume would not take much time or resources to put into place. While I also have opinions about changes to weapon balance, enemies, and most of the systems in general, I am keeping this list confined to minor quality of life improvements, not the creation of anything new, which I assume makes them significantly easier.
So, humor me:

  • An option to hide battle sprites:

Level three battle sprites are bulky and sometimes obscure small enemies during close quarters combat. I also assume turning on transparency would not affect balance, considering that it was the default that the game was released with. An option to toggle transparency/invisibility would be appreciated.

  • Simplified weapon select icons:

Currently there is an option that either displays a weapon's icon and full name during weapon selection, or not at all. I would like a third option that displays a smaller and simplified weapon icon with no text. I find that the current option shares the same problem as the battle sprites and creates obscurity during close quarters fighting.

  • Simplified inventory previews:

Currently when selecting an item in the inventory, it generates a full 3D model and a wall of text. I am not sure if this is what causes the frame rate slow down when browsing through multiple items quickly, but an option to either disable or make these descriptions more discrete would be welcome, even if it does not affect performance.

  • Optional UI toggle:

I preferred the old UI and I have heard others express the same or similar sentiment. While I am aware that there are third party mods that either partially or fully restore it, it would be nice to have an option to choose between the two officially available by the devs, if that is not too much trouble. For posterity, I acknowledge that this point is the one item on this list that I suspect may not be as simple as it appears; impossible perhaps if the rumors are true and that the files have been either deleted or corrupted.

Xakepa's picture
Couldn't agree more with the

Couldn't agree more with the weapon select icons. The current implementation can be so obnoxious at times. The other suggestions also seem fine.