I am relatively new to Ubuntu, only learning basic commands a week ago. I figured a good way to get experience was to install one of my favourite games (hooray!)
After the initial install of the game, everything looks fine. However, when I open the desktop launcher, I get the "Multiple instances" error, despite no other instances running. (Unless I have missed something in System Monitor, I am sure there is only one instance open.) Manually opening the spiral file gives me the following in the Terminal.
2020/01/19 18:21:02:789 WARNING m.a: Unable to redirect output to './launcher.log': java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./launcher.log (Permission denied)
2020/01/19 18:21:02:794 INFO m.a: ------------------ VM Info ------------------
2020/01/19 18:21:02:794 INFO m.a: -- OS Name: Linux
2020/01/19 18:21:02:794 INFO m.a: -- OS Arch: amd64
2020/01/19 18:21:02:795 INFO m.a: -- OS Vers: 4.15.0-74-generic
2020/01/19 18:21:02:795 INFO m.a: -- Java Vers: 11.0.5
2020/01/19 18:21:02:795 INFO m.a: -- Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
2020/01/19 18:21:02:795 INFO m.a: -- User Name:
2020/01/19 18:21:02:796 INFO m.a: -- User Home:
2020/01/19 18:21:02:796 INFO m.a: -- Cur dir:
2020/01/19 18:21:02:796 INFO m.a: ---------------------------------------------
2020/01/19 18:21:02:868 INFO m.a: ---------------- Proxy Info -----------------
2020/01/19 18:21:02:868 INFO m.a: -- Proxy Host: null
2020/01/19 18:21:02:869 INFO m.a: -- Proxy Port: null
2020/01/19 18:21:02:869 INFO m.a: ---------------------------------------------
2020/01/19 18:21:02:870 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/lwjgl64.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:870 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/lwjgl.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:870 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/jinput-dx8.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:870 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/jinput-dx8_64.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:871 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/jinput-raw.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:871 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/jinput-raw_64.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:871 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/OpenAL64.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:871 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/OpenAL32.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:871 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/froth.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:872 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] native/froth64.dll]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:872 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] native/liblwjgl.dylib]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:872 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] native/libjinput-osx.jnilib]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:872 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] native/openal.dylib]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:873 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] native/libfroth.dylib]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:873 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=java_location, value=[windows] /spiral/client/java_windows.jar]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:873 INFO m.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=jvmarg, value=[mac os x] -Xdock:name="Spiral Knights"]
2020/01/19 18:21:02:877 WARNING m.a: Unable to create lock file [message=./gettingdown.lock (Permission denied)]
java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./gettingdown.lock (Permission denied)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.open0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.open(RandomAccessFile.java:345)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.(RandomAccessFile.java:259)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.(RandomAccessFile.java:214)
at com.threerings.getdown.data.Application.lockForUpdates(Unknown Source)
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.getdown(Unknown Source)
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.run(Unknown Source)
2020/01/19 18:21:02:878 WARNING m.a: getdown() failed.
com.threerings.getdown.launcher.MultipleGetdownRunning: m.another_getdown_running
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.getdown(Unknown Source)
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.run(Unknown Source)
I assume this has something to do with Java folder permissions, but I am too noob to figure this out on my own.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
there's a couple of things i spot: first, is that there's some write permission error at the top.
second, Spiral Knights doesn't really work with newer versions of Java -- the installation should come with Java 6, but you can play it with Java 8.