Remove the tinks on tortodrone guns

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Fishysh's picture

There was a forum post quite a while back that addressed the fact that shard bombs had a hit limiter built into them, or an "invincitinks" mechanic. It was removed and the bomb became much more bearable. There is only one weapon in the game that tinks still exist on, and it's tortodrone guns.
The shards that get shot from the charge attack have a limit of three hits on each enemy before they stop dealing damage. As a comparison, the damage a shard does is the same as one bullet from an autogun charge, but the difference is that an autogun charge can hit an enemy 15 times no problem. Tinks don't have purpose other than to make a trash gun even worse. Please remove them!

Crazy-Horse's picture
Agreed. That should help. I

Agreed. That should help.
I would love a landing zone circle for the gun that follows your mouse. But simply removal of invincitinks is enough honestly