Need expert advise

OK, my current knight is now level 6.1 and I have been playing the game for about a month now. So I am still considered a newbie here.
A few days ago, I got a very pleasant surprise. While forging an elemental cloak, alchemizing from a magic cloak, I managed to get 3 UVs! (my current level of my cloak is 3 by the way. These are the UVs I got:
Increase Elemental Defence: Low
Increase Poison Resistance: Low
Increase Shock Resistance: Medium
The question is, how do I maximize this good fortune (or is it, I am not sure! LOL)? Should I list this item on the AH? Or level it up all the way to a 5 star item like the Chaos Cloak, Divine Mantle or Grey Feather Mantle?
Currently, I am trying to attempt the achievement, "Silver Survivor": Complete a Tier 2 expedition without having to revive on normal mode. Is having this cloak with all the UVs enough? I tend to mix around my play style by using guns or swords. I hardly use bombs. (Maybe I should!)
Any expert advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Sadly low-medium level of UVs don't make much of a difference though especially for defense, so it wouldn't be very sought after, people will buy ones with higher UVs instead, though the Medium shock resistance is not bad. If you never equipped it then you could consider selling it for some profit, if not then the cost of unbinding will not be worth it. No big deal though, it's a nice bonus for you, when you're crafting gear you normally expect no UVs as they really are very uncommon if you aren't making the same stuff repeatedly.
Anyway, it depends on what your playstyle is like. Chaos set is good to get, it's pretty much the best universal set in the game with the tradeoff of having negative status resistances, so it's risky but strong, you will be relying on avoiding danger before you strike. But no matter which weapon you'll be using, you will strike way quicker than with any other set and harder pretty much. The other options for your cloak don't really offer any bonus apart from specific resistances.
As for weapons I recommend you focus on getting multiple swords/guns before you bother with bombs. Unfortunately, bombs in this game are very lacking and niche. Normally, a select few bombs are used for utility purposes such as crowd control. So they aren't a priority for now.

The shock+2 is decent, but not worth planning around. The poison+1 is okay much less useful. The elemental+1 is essentially useless. It would have been much better luck to get a single shock+4 alone, for example. I see two ways for you to proceed:
If you want the best possible gear, then discard these UVs the next time you upgrade. I mean, you won't get great UVs unless you try.
Alternatively, you can ignore the contest of getting the best possible gear, and instead think of the UVs as a fun bonus that makes your equipment unusual and charming. In that case, keep the UVs and be happy.

There's two ways to view a +2 shock on a magic cloak:
- Exactly enough to negate the penalty on Chaos, making that one piece not weak to shock.
- Exactly enough to 100% maximize your shock resistance with a Gray Feather or Divine set.
Chaos gives a -2 shock penalty, while Divine and Gray Feather give a +4 penalty per piece.
The max resistance possible is +10, so if you have medium on just one piece and you wear a full set, that's as high as you can go. (4 + 4 + 2 = 10)
Even a +1 UV is more than enough to make you immune to sources of moderate status, such as Polaris.
The UVs are a nice bonus for your item and they are all useful types. That said the bonus is small and so listing it on AH will be a waste of your money to unbind because it won't sell very high. I would just keep the item and make it into a chaos cloak.