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Event: Community Live Auction - Chapter 2! (COMPLETE)

6 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Rakaraka

Greetings, I heard you were looking for some items, or maybe you were looking to sell? Either way, I think this Live Auction will interest you.

About Me
I'm Rakaraka, long-term player and trader in Spiral Knights, lately, the Auction House has been a bit boring, so I've decided to organize this event. Hopefully to help get the economy flowing, get players some good deals and have a good time!

Post Mortem from Last Auction
We had way more people turn up to the event than we expected, many people were scared to submit because they thought barely anyone was going to show up, however, we prove them wrong! The event was a huge success and many people got some sweet deals and sweet profits. However, we're making a few changes to this auction.

New Additions to the Auction

    1. We're removing the dynamic auction, while it was interesting at first, the feedback to it was not that great, Sealed and Reverse Auctions we're great though.
    2. We've revamped the Live Auction Room to accommodate many more people.
    3. We will only allow 1 late submission per person, we were lenient the last time we held this as it was the first showing of this event, however now that you guys know what to expect, there's no excuse for not submitting to me on time.
    4. We're turning this into a monthly event! It will occur on the last Saturday of every month.
    5. Slime Coin Auctions Added

Date and Location
25th of April, 2020 - Saturday - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT in the Dark City Guild Hall. We will open the hall 30 minutes prior to the event for people to congregate, chat, get ready, and answer any questions or misconceptions regarding the auctions. This event will go on until all items have been sold, there is no telling how long this will take. The last event took upwards of 3 hours, even if you're late you will not miss all of the auctions.

The Live Auction Itself
We will go through the list of submissions in the form at the bottom of this post, and everyone's items will be sold! Details on how submissions works are at the bottom of this node. I will be auctioning my things first so that you guys get a feel for how this thing works.

Different Types of Auctions - More Fun!
Sellers! there are different ways you can have your item auctioned. You may want to think about what type of auction is best for your item(s). My items will be mostly Classic, but I will mix it up from time to time. If you're attending looking to buy something, you may want to think about how you should handle each situation.

Buyers! To bid, we will be using zone chat, this makes it clearer who has bid what and no one can get confused.

    Classic Auction - Everyone knows the current bid, the highest bidder when the time expires wins the item.

    Sealed Auction - Everyone mails their bid to me, they only get to bid ONCE. No one knows who won until time expires. The highest bidder after time expires wins the item. There's a lot more thought to bidding in this type of auction. I'll keep sellers updated with the highest bid as this goes on.

    Reverse Auction - I declare a really high price for said item and decrease every few seconds, the first one to say "Sold!" or "Me!" or whatever, wins the item.

    Golden Slime Coin Auction - You must bid in Golden Slime Coins!

General Rules
Violating any of the rules may result in disqualification from auctions and the following giveaway.
1. No Trollbidding - Don't bid something and not follow up on it.
2. Be Human - You guys know how to treat people, no need to be mean and rude.
3. Please follow the rules of each auction type. Do not try to cheat.


    1. This is a live auction, it's possible that your items go for trash prices, while we will do our best to advertise this event just like last time, even with a huge turnout of players this can still happen.
    2. When you submit you're agreeing that anything can happen at a live auction, you are also agreeing to trade your item to the winner for whatever price your item goes for. If you do not make the trade, we cancel the rest of the your auctions.
    3. You need to show up to the event so that you can auction your items and make the trades with the players, if you're unable to show up at the given time, speak with me.

Submission Form

Portrait de Rakaraka
Submissions - Last Updated 4/25/2020 - 9:00 AM EST

0. Rakarak - Going first.

    Prismatic Bolted Vee - Reverse Auction
    Cool Bomb Bandolier - Slimey Auction
    ASI High Brandish - Classic Auction
    Dusky Giga Shades - Sealed Auction
    Shadow Ribbon - Classic Auction

1. Sirzlime - Asked to not be first. All Classic Auctions

    Celestial Wolver Tail
    Crest of Winter
    Fancy Node Set - Mask, Guards, Container, Receiver
    Heavy Node Set - Mask, Guards, Container, Receiver
    Regal Node Set - Mask, Guards, Container, Receiver
    Rainbow Cat Tail
    Regal Giga Shades
    Snout Patrol Pendant
    Tech Pink Test Kit
    Volcanic Warding Candle
    Galactic Guardian Set - Helm, Vest

2. Refraizen - Asked not to be first. All Classic Auctions

    Shadow Toupee + Shadow Dapper Combo + Shadow Bomb Bando
    Dread Seal
    Prismatic Dazzling Gem
    Prismatic Heavenly Halo
    Celestial Dragon Wings
    Regal Dragon Wings
    Toasty Dragon Wings
    Celestial Cat Tail
    Rainbow Cat Tail
    Regal Extension Cord
    Regal Cat Tail
    Freeze Maskeraith Pod
    Black Kat Cowl w/ Shadow High & Fire Med
    Black Kat Raiment Shadow H

3. Death-Key

    [Regal Slime Set: Crusher, Wall, Mask, Armor, Recceiver and Container]
    Shadow Tailed Helm
    Volcanic Boar Set [Helm and Suit]
    Prismatic Node Receiver
    Hazardous Spike Mohawk

4. Airbee - Doesn't wanna be first.

    Grasping Aura
    [Toasty Node Container, Toasty Node Receiver, Toasty Node Slime Guards, Toasty Node Slime Mask]
    Toasty Node Slime Mask
    Divine Node Slime Mask
    Military Node Container
    Regal Node Slime Wall
    Pumpkin Bomb Bandolier

5. Statiicz - Wants to be somewhere in the middle

    Brandish - CTR:Med
    Brandish - CTR:High
    Autogun - CTR:Med
    50x Trick or Treat Confetti
    [Shadow Ribbon, Shadow Headband, Shadow Maid Headband]
    Military Vertical Vents
    Shadowtech Blue Pom Pom Hat
    Shadowtech Blue Puffer Unzipped
    [Magmatic Mask + Mail]
    [Divine Node Slime Mask + Guards]
    [Volcanic Node Slime Made + Guards]
    Blazing Tailed Helm
    Toasty Writhing Tendrils

6. Chezberger

    Prismatic Node Container (Classic Auction)
    Shadowtech Green Airbreaker Shield (Reverse Auction)
    Celestial Mech'tennas (Classic Auction)
    ASI VH Needle Shot - Classic Auction

7. Gome-Xyz

    [Glacial Brigandine, Cuirass, Plate Mail]
    Glacial Fur Coat
    Glacial Stranger Cap
    [Frosty Monocle, Frosty Rebreather]
    Shadow Raiment
    Shadow Draped Armor
    Turquoise Stranger Robe

8. Urbanned

    ASI Med Magnus

9. Vicious-Frenzy

    Arctic Pauldrons

10. Azuresh

    Volcanic Node Set
    Prismatic Glow Eyes
    Vile Fur Cap - Sealed
    Frosty Ankle Booster
    Frosty Shoulder Booster
    Steel Box Pack - x14
    Diamond Culet
    Ruby Culet
    Late Harvest Raiment

11. Ulriz

    Surge Scarf

12. Tsubasa-Chan

    Hallow Wings
    Frosty Wings
    Twisted Targe - Elemental: Max
    Elemental Cloak - Shadow: Max
    Skolver Coat - Piercing: Max
    Snarbolax Cap - Piercing: Max & Curse: Max
    Barbarous Thorn Blade - ASI: High
    Gran Faust - ASI: High

13. Phoenix-Maid

    Joyous Striped Scarf - Reverse Auction

14. Red-Angus - All Reverse Auctions

    Frosty Rebreather
    Shadow Side Blade
    Joyous Striped Onesie
    Volcanic Fur Cap
    Winter Raider Helm
    Shadow Plate Helm
    Cool Node Slime Mask
    Cool Plumed Cap
    x20 Divine Stars
    Regal Field Cap

15. Amongs-Returns

    Prismatic Seraph'tenna - Reverse Auction
    Shadow Bomb Bandolier - Classic Auction
    Glacial Glasses - Classic Auction
    Peridot Clover - Classic Auction
    Frosty Rebreather - Classic Auction
    Freeze Vial Bandolier - Classic Auction
    Glacial Toupee - Classic Auction
    Shadow Birthday Candle - Reverse Auction
    Hallow Monocle - Classic
    Hallow Side Blade - Classic
    Hallow Fur Coat - Classic

16. Fallen-Gamer

    Feral Kat Suit - Classic

17. Rexbotxx

    dusky long feather
    fancy long feather
    military long feather
    blazing crest
    blazing parrying blade
    blazing side blade
    blazing plume
    glacial porkular vents
    glacial scholarly tam
    late harvest leaf chain
    regal treat pouch
    shadowtech orange tailspin
    hunter clover
    ancient lapel clover
    clover eyes
    heat amplifier ((30days))
    magic hood ( increased freeze resistance : med )
    beast basher ctr High

18. Parenthesis

    Frosty Round Helm

19. King-Twinkie

    Tech Green Aero Costume Set - Classic
    Cool Trotters - Classic
    Military Wolver Tail - Classic
    Prismatic Dazzling Gem - Classic
    Shadow Wind Up Key - Sealed
    Shadow Parrying Blade - Sealed

(Auction Order Not Final, currently in the order submitted)

Portrait de Rakaraka
Important Dates

4/18/2020 - "1 Week Until Auction" Announcement in Merchants of Cradle and Arcade Discord
4/25/2020 - 1:00 PM EST - Submissions Close
4/25/2020 - 1:30 PM EST - Guild Hall Opens and zone advertisement
4/25/2020 - 2:00 PM EST - Live Auction Commences

Portrait de Mureka


Portrait de Rakaraka


Portrait de Autofire
You are experiencing a NOSTALGIA ERROR!

Hmm... how long does this go for? Though I got something else going on that day, it should only go for an hour. But if I can, I'd like to check it out.

Not that I have a lot of money... or items. ._."

EDIT: Oh wait the dates are in the second post. nvm then, that should work.

Portrait de Rakaraka
