Fix frost application for explosions

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With the Permafroster being the one and only shadow variant of the pulsar line, and with Glacious being the only one of the three elemental brandishes that can't ignite or shock oilers or quicksilvers on the way to Red Roar, you would think they would be somewhat popular items. And to an extent, they are, at least among people out of the know. But, the rest of us know they have a problem with their status application and knockback; half the enemies get frozen in place, half of them fly across the room. All around a pain.

A simple fix for them would be to make their status roll decided per-projectile rather than per-enemy hit. This way each explosion will only be either pure knockback, or pure frost, with the same number of monsters frozen per level on average. Freezing four monsters with one shot and then zero with another would be much better than getting two shots that each freeze half the targets and blow the rest away: it would be a great QoL improvement for the permafroster, and a pretty good improvement for the Glacious too. For good measure this should be applied to the Frost Gun and Cold Snap as well. I don't think it needs to be done for anything besides explosions though, and I don't think it should be made per-attack in the case of the Glacious's multihit charge: freezing an entire crowd in one swing would give you too easy a setup for the next attack. But, just making it per-explosion would be good amount of clustering to have.