Swiftstrike 4 & 5*

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Orangeo

I'm pretty sure Swiftstrike is the most popular item without a 5* version of itself right now. I suppose adding a 5* Spur was more important on the grounds that weapons make a bigger impact on gameplay than new shields do (people even using the SSB in the first place kinda proves this), but players need a 5* shield to progress through the hall of hero's quest, and the striker merchant is outright wearing a SSB despite it dead-ending at 3. That issue combine with the buckler's general popularity makes me think it should have a 5*.

I'm fine with it being a weak shield. I get that it being only 3* is sort of the gimmick. So, instead of adding much in the way of health or defense, just give it movement speed low at 4* and medium at 5*. This would help keep it from getting invalidated by UVs, since movement speed can't be rolled on anything or even capped at the moment. As it stands a swordie is always better off just rolling for ASI on their weapon and then going for the thorn shield's damage instead; extra movement speed would put Swiftstrike on the map as something besides just a discount UV.

Imagen de Xakepa
Not sure if I agree.

SSB is already broken right now, and you want to add MSI to it? That would break the 300ke barrier for MSI Max and devalue totems. In my opinion a better alternative is to nerf 3* SSB to an ASI Medium bonus, and then add 4* and 5* versions with slightly more HP, with the 5* once again regaining the ASI High bonus. To counteract maybe BTS could receive a very high damage bonus to swords, or sword ASI low, or something along those lines.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

Adding MSI to a 5* swiftstrike seems like the final nail in the coffin as far as every other shield is concerned.

MSI+2 is something I'd add to a seperate shield meant for bombers.

Imagen de Orangeo
I think I like the

I think I like the conjunction of your two suggestions more, except with the 5* being ASI VH (it's not broken, you can get this as a UV), but:

"Adding MSI to a 5* swiftstrike seems like the final nail in the coffin"

Shields have already had several final nails in the coffin. Like, let's be honest here: people go for UVs before they consider going for a second 5* shield. Even ignoring SSB's existence it's just not a priority. Lockdown recognized that shields are booring. That's just PvP, but then pets got implimented with a bunch of lockdown abilities. Nearly any kind of 5* swiftstrike buckler is going to make other shields look boring. Because they are boring. Innately. That's on them.

"That would break the 300ke barrier for MSI Max"

O-oh no. I uh, t-totally don't want that. *pulls collar*

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

I think we both know that if this got implemented, it'd give +6 ASI and CTR and require 24 margel fights.

Drop rate of books would be nerfed, of course.

We can't just have nice things anymore.

Imagen de Fallen-Feces
What now?

That would break the 300ke barrier for MSI Max and devalue totems. -Xakepa

Yeah uh although I do agree that MSI on SSB is a bad idea, I also find that reasoning to be hilariously bad. We're supposed to be working TOWARDS lowering the prices of things, not against it. Just the idea of a 300ke or around $600 barrier should make someone vomit. There are definitely better ways to fix that issue but yeah SSB isn't the best.

Imagen de Fishysh

A separate shield offering msi med as a 3 star instead of piling it ontop of SSB is probably a better way of doing this. SSB is already one of the strongest pieces of gear in the game.