New Monster or Gear Ideas!

Okay this time I've been thinking about some new monsters and gear that would be cool and fitting to see in the Clockworks. Feel free to critique or post your own!
Okay here's the new spoopy monster I thought of:
You know how the Trojans are called Trojans in the first place? (Hint: It started with a person called Helen). Well, how about some of the wooden crates and stuff get replaced with Wooden Trojans? We could call it a Trojan Horse and it'd be a 50/50 chance on receiving loot when you break it open versus a bunch of angry Devilites popping outta it when it's smashed. Maybe for extra thematic purposes the Devilities could be wearing ancient Greek armour.
Oh, and monster variations that mix and match the already existing ones would be really interesting. Like Mecha-Wolvers! Or Undead Gremlin Zombies! Or Jelly Devilites who throw bits of their own jellified bodies at you.
Not all mine but also more variations of Mecha-Knights! Mecha-Knights with Guns and Bombs!
And along the same train of thought as Mecha-Knights, how about more fallen knights like Arkus? It would be super interesting to fight AI who mimic our own attack patterns and it would also help noobs sorta get trained up in a way for Lockdown (LMAO).
As for gear... I really really really just want the Gremlin Flamethrower to be available. Basic attacks could be the 3 fire balls that shoot out of em and the charge attack would be the actual FWOOSH flamethrower thing.
Mecha-Wolvers seems like a great idea, like how there are mecha zombies and such. Neutral mecha-knights already fling bombs with the charge so that's sorted I guess. Maybe there could be a sort of lumber-trojan hybrid wood trojan that doesn't have a shield but moves and attacks faster, the possibilities are endless.