- The Troika type charge is just bad: the player should be able to cancel out of the second hit or turn it, or it should be a spin or something less punishable. Even when landed successfully, you'll generally get punished by whoever you hit just because of the bad followup.
- The Divine Avenger charge was nerfed such that it can no longer be used to snag ghost blocks through walls. The Mixmaster's charge has been able to do this since introduction however, and has remained that way for at least a half dozen years. So at the very least, the DA deserves some QOL improvements such that zombies won't jump over the blades or so that the blades won't pop on walls behind you etc.
- By being split between normal and elemental damage, the Divine Avenger is less effective against elemental-weak enemies than the Rocket Hammer while still no better in neutral scenarios. Strangely it becomes even worse as you descend stratums. The only advantage the DA has is that it is less-bad against enemies which resist elemental damage, but in that case neither weapon should be getting used to begin with. It needs some amount of an advantage in neutral scenarios. Even a mere 5% more total damage to the Avenger/Faust and 10% increase for the Triglav/Sudarsuka would be good for the balance between them.
- The Rocket Hammer itself doesn't have great damage anyways. It does 340 to an elemental-weak enemy at max depth, while something like a Prisma Driver does 220 and can score an internal bounce for twice the damage in a single and much more user-friendly attack. Not to mention it has a charge attack that's actually useful. Not to mention that the DA etc will be even worse in this regard, being half normal damage and all, or The Sudarsuka/Triglav. These weapons should be dealing around 15% more damage in general and up to 40% more on their charge attacks (DA and GF included imo).
To summarize, these weapons should be dealing 15% more damage in general, 40% more on their charge attacks, they should have better charge attacks, and they some additional damage depending on how normal-focused they are. Quite frankly all normal damage weapons should receive this (albeit in conjunction with a reduction in the case of things like brandishes).
Those are some excellent suggestion. I hope it's implemented.