Daily UV tickets

An advantage the old mist system had was that it kept you coming back every day. Even if you didn't have time to play, you'd at least want to get on and pump those 100 mist into making ten mist bombs and see if you could get any UVs this time.
That incentive is gone, so I don't feel the need to log on at any particular day, but I could!,
- Daily ticket would be bound, of course.
- Daily ticket could expire after one or two days, if you think that's necessary.
- Daily tickets could be a 2UV ticket after a week of logins and a 3UV ticket after a month.
- You could be extra sleazy and have daily tickets be claimed in Kozma's shop, so the user gets exposed to all the deals there.
- Another option is to award them from prestige mission. Prestige has been around for quite a long time and I think its obvious that the additional incentives to earn prestige Nick promised back then are never coming.

If the ticket worked exclusively on level 10 gear, that might make most alt-shenanigans painful?

Sure, but I don't see why you'd rather check for lv10 rather than just checking if the item's bound.
I guess someone could just pay to repeatedly unbind the item, but at 200 energy to unbind even a 2*, with a presumed energy price of 7k, they'd only be saving 6k compared to punch's normal tickets (which imo would sink more crowns if the price were lowered to a better value anyways).
There is the threat of it sinking energy that way though, but it couldn't push past a price of 10k due to punch competition, and would have a weaker effect as you approached that value anyways. Maybe there's a less tricky way to do it though. There's also the option to just flatten out unbinding prices to ignore this; even if unbinds were just a fixed 300 energy, unbinding then mailing your alt the item wouldn't be profitable unless energy was at 6666 cr or less, so at the current prices it wouldn't be able to raise them (at least not profitably so). Changing vise's curve from 100/200/600/1800/4000 to a more consistent 150/300/600/1800/3600 could work, or just stick it at whatever value the game can afford and ignore upgrade level. Padded set starts at 1* (and honestly it shouldn't, the 5* variation is pointless).
Final suggestion, regarding your opening line: "An advantage the old mist system had was that it kept you coming back every day. Even if you didn't have time to play, you'd at least want to get on and pump those 100 mist into making ten mist bombs and see if you could get any UVs this time."
To more easily replicate this, you could just... give people 6 simple orbs each day? But that could stockpile, I suppose, unlike mist.

The way I see it, continuously passing an item around seems like a lot of work compared to crafting one per alt and unbinding whichever gets a good roll. By checking for level 10, the user would at least have to run 10 levels with the weapon first, and that seems like a lot of work for a UV ticket farming scheme while not really hindering legitimate use.

Now I'm starting to think neither of these are a good solution. But, mist basically had the same issue? So it's fine, probably?

Free uv tickets would literally kill the game imho. I dont think it needs an explanation, but.. I mean, u proposed it, so ima do it real quick. Free UV - 20k i dont need to throw away and get disappointed. 140k in a week is saved in my back pocket. How in the world you think that would not make the energy price in crowns skyrocket? Maybe not literally skyrocket, but definetly inflation would occur and it would be very, very bad for the server.
Edit. Dont get me wrong, idea is cool etc,. etc. There is free stuff in like every game. But here it wont work. That's why it's not here.

It's 140k in your back pocket, but to players who wouldn't be able to roll either way, they aren't saving money; they're just getting extra UVs. And true elites would likely want to use triple tickets most the time anyways, so that also curbs it. However big a factor you think punch is in lowering prices, bear in mind they were lower before he was implemented than they are now. But yeah, there probably is something better to hand out.

> Free UV - 20k i dont need to throw away and get disappointed. Now in the world you think that would not make the energy price in crowns skyrocket?
That's easy: UV tickets are worthless. One or two or five more rolls per day isn't going to matter at all. Each roll still has a 99% chance of not giving you the thing you want, so the real sink is still in dumping all of your money into a weapon until it gets the bonus you care about. By giving the first hit free, you already brought the player into the game and in front of punch and had them perform a roll. Didn't go the way they wanted. Might as well dump some crowns while they're standing there.

>One or two or five more rolls per day isn't going to matter at all
>they aren't saving money; they're just getting extra UVs.
They are saving it. Even if they dont have it, it means they dont need to farm it or if they were to get it, they could spend it elsewhere.

They're not getting UVs, they're getting nothing.
If I paid 20k for every black kat I fought, I'd be down literally 100 million crowns, and I still have never gotten a book of dark rituals dropped. If something has only a small chance of happening, every individual attempt is worthless.

>they aren't saving money; they're just getting extra UVs.
They aren't all saving it. Go inspect everyone you see in haven. Look at how many you see without any UVs. Most of these people are not ever going to actually use punch. So, is giving them a UV suddenly going to add 20k cr per variant to society? In their case all it'll do is lower their demand for subpar UVs from the auction house, which is in effect just going to make punch more expensive for richer players. Maybe that causes them to use punch less, but given that these UVs were already undersold, it's not going to be a full 20k cr per ticket added. It's not spiraling out of control until you include account farming. But with that being said
>If something has only a small chance of happening, every individual attempt is worthless.
This is not really accurate. I mean look, I just got ASI low on a snarble barb twice in a row. There are going to be a lot of new players who roll and get a low or medium in something they see as worthwhile, and in turn they'll neglect to buy some crown-king's punch leftovers off the auction house.
This makes punch more expensive for rich people in practice, and if doing so moves his price further away from the supply/demand equilibrium (the point at which the most profit/sinkage occurs), then yes, fewer crowns get sunk. But this isn't going to be one-to-one with the 20k ticket price the way Deathcame is suggesting, as even 20k itself is already far above the equilibrium for most new players. Going off the auction house, most of them would pay like, an extra 3k for a good medium, which a ticket probably won't even get you. Lows basically sell at crafting price or less. For someone who actually would be buying a ticket, yes, giving them a free one is like adding 20k crowns to society. But, handing newbie mcgee a free variant roll is likely not even worth a thousand crowns of impact.

I mean, a possibility is to give out daily bonuses for a log in, e.g. log in day 1 and you get a flawed orb, day 2 you get a simple orb, day 3 maybe prestige or something ect. until day 5 where you get a uv ticket and then it restarts?
First concern is that less crowns might end up getting sunk as a result of this. This isn't a major concern given that most the freebies will be landing in the hands of someone who's never touched punch in their life, however.
Second concern is that you might have a bunch of accounts to farm this with. Any unbound weapon you have can be passed between them, even if the tickets can't be. Making them prestige awards at least helps partially circumvent this, but not completely, and it would start conflicting with the prior point since new players won't be getting so many anymore. If technical finesse is on the table though, then the tickets could be made to work on only bound items as a precaution against account farming. Or, they bind whatever you apply them to, same thing.