Almirian Lance and other weapons that ai use but we cant

4 respuestas [Último envío]

I think everyone who has played missions like legion of almire will agree that the lances the almirian soldiers have look pretty cool, so why not get them as a weapon? After all, the almirian knights look just like us (to the point where I wonder if Almire is actually a lost kingdom of Isora, like atlantis but with fire and undead), so the weapons would feasibly be usable by us, in fact we do already use their shields and armor.

So for stats, I'm thinking either piercing damage, shadow damage, or maybe even both, possibly with the ability to set targets on fire (I mean they do look kinda hot to the touch)

What do you guys think?

Imagen de Xakepa
Cool, I guess.

A lance would be cool, as long as you can make it different from the flourish. Shadow and fire seem like a good idea so long as you're not facing oilers.

Additional ideas

Why cant we get those circular saws the ghostmane stalkers have? they could be a melee/ranged hybrid where the basic attack swings them, and the charge attack throws it, after which it returns like a boomerang. It's do piercing damage and pierce through enemies, kinda like a piercing damage brandish, almost

Also, I saw on another post the idea of getting the flamethrowers the gremlin scorchers have. Those'd be cool for sure

Saw a post I liked the idea of
Imagen de Qever
Spears with pierce dmg will

Spears with pierce dmg will be cool.First of all Spears match the Knight theme so well..Also I can imagine the charged attack,throwing the spear to the enemy.
Pierce melee weapons have only one way functioning in comparison with other melee weps who have different attack speed and attack pattern for example Acheron and Gran Faust,Voltedge and Divine avenger,Sudaruska and Leviathan..

I would love to see spears,it was suggested in the past too but sadly nothing happened.
Maybe if the community shows interest they might think about.

From me +1 for Spears!