Update Guild Hall Statue of Knights (This won't happen, but I will post it here just like I did for yellow snipes in Birdsong)
Mar, 04/28/2020 - 11:26

The current number of Statues allowed on the floor is 10 and this does not allow all of Eos to spend their money which is not cool because all of us already have diskguns, so you should just change the number to 120 so we can spend all our money on statues, and if you ask nicely we will even give all the game masters 25k to 35k E each to create a statue for the Eos guild hall!
It's funny because they fired most of the game masters that would give you a statue a couple years ago and now you want something changed and everyone that can help you accomplish this left and we both know it. The best part is that we can't even help pay someone to continue developing the game because they just say no for whatever reason. Nor can we develop things for them and people have been doing that quite a bit these days-- players found the level editor and mess around in spiral spy and all of that.
Seriously though, fund a new game that won't fail to deliver content if you're so wealthy. Your money and time aren't good here.