What shield should I go for?

For context, I am trying to get my 4* ranking, but I'm unsure as to what 4* shield I should get. My current shield is a brute jelly shield, all my other shields are 2*. I mostly use guns/bombs. Thanks!

Since you already have the brute jelly shield, the defender is completely skippable, it is basically a worse version of the jelly shield without the sleep and stun resist, both of those statues, while rare, are better than nothing.
Since you covered piercing already, you will need an elemental and shadow shield. The owlite shield is a good elemental choice and it has fire and shock resist, two of the four big bads of the statuses. Dragon scale shield is bit of an odd ball shield but it does give you piercing and elemental resistance, and poison and fire resist.
As for shadow, the only shield available to you is the skelly shield with poison and freeze resist, you can get another one later but it will require you to beat this game's 'final boss' at least 10 times to get. The 4* blacked crest and its upgrade 5* shield of almire will give you fire and shock resist. Crafting both of these shield will give you shadow defense against all four "big bad" statues in the game.

If you want to take the top paragraph of Plat's advice, I'd suggest getting some rides to FSC so you can grab an ancient plate shield off Brinks for 30 tokens. I'm pretty sure you can use 5* equips for 4* verification.

I'm late to this thread, but you might want to check out my detailed shield guide. Short version: Swiftstrike Buckler for offense, Grey Owlite and Dread Skelly for defense, and Grey Owlite or Dread Skelly or Azure Guardian for clearing missions.

I have both the Owlite shield and looking for a twisted targe. They're both good for the end game. I have no shadow gear though.
Off-topic, how did you guys get the knight picture when it says steam connect will be available soon? i don't see my knight picture when i logged in with steam.

What knight picture where?
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My personal advice that you're totally free to ignore is that you Could be crafting any shield to 5* just for advancing in the rank missions (for example the Aegis in which the game gives you its recipes for free) but then actually using the swiftstriker in game which is only 3* and gives you a very powerful bonus: attack speed increase High on every weapon (bombs doesn't support attack speed bonuses so they won't count, but in your case guns will benefit from this!).
If you want a more defensive approach and opt in using a 5* shield, the Barbarous Thorn Shield which requires recipes from basil, has decent defense and gives you damage medium on swords. The Crest Of Almire doesn't give you any bonus but has great defense (requires first a 4* shield that can be obtained with the vanaduke's tokens, then the 5* Crest of almire recipe can be found in basil).
But if you feel confident enough and dodge well, swiftstrike is the way to go, along with chaos cloak (armor) and cowl (helmet)