Please read this before replying, now I know you may be thinking wth they aren't OP'ed but really they are my most hated enemy in the game, especially in arenas, they always spawn in pairs and the fact that they can raise the dead, area heal, energy dome, they dodge nearly every attack and heal allies 240+ every 2 seconds or so is ridiculous... they tend to stay in the middle where you cant kite them at all, I know its tier 3 and its meant to be a challenge but seriously I despise them so very much. Opinions? agree, disagree?
Darkfang Mender over powered?
they're not too hard to kill as it to be a problem, arenas are supposed to be a challenge too; plus the revive only works on other gremlins.
Compared to their previous iterations they are actually quite easy these days. The used to use revives and bubble shields a lot more often.
Getting pinned between two or three bubble shields in an area full of Thwackers was... frustrating, especially since they used to have guite a bit more health.
To be honest i ignore them until there isnt many gremlins left. if theres many gremlins then i spread my damage and ignore the darkfangs because they only heal once every second and if i take 50 hp away from 6 different targets then he heals one and i wail on the rest until they start dropping then i decide to focus them
That's nice for you, but at Tier 3, "just ignoring them" won't be an option.
yes insult me because i do it in a way that may take longer. seriously dont make stupid assumptions that im lower than T3. i gave an opinion and you should respect that
1) That wasn't an insult
2) Ignoring them in Tier 3 is very likely to get you killed, as they'll keep reviving the other Gremlins you've defeated, including other Menders (which can then revive more of them).
the monster itself isnt overpowered, only in combination with other monsters its pretty strong and that gives venom veiler a little purpose
When you solo them they are a joke. A charge atk from a Leviathan will pretty much 1 hit KO them and they won't be able to use their shield. The only problem I have with then in arenas is when they are paired the stupid gremlin bombers and the bombs are all around them or if the mender decides to walk in the middle of the spikes where i cant reach him with my sword.
I don't think they are a huge deal. I will always focus fire on healers first, regardless of the Tier I am in.
Hostile much?
The best strategy is to ignore them until there are only a few enemies left, then charge in and kill them. As long as you damage multiple mobs with each hit, they will not be able to out-heal you.
You can do this even in tier 3.
I recently tried ignoring them in an arena and it really donesnt work, I was using a Combuster and kiting them all by using my charge attack but by the time I recharge they are basically healed, I tried it for a good 10 minutes and in the end I managed to kill roughly 3-4 of them. In the end they did more damage to me than I did to them..
Gremlin menders aren't overpowered, but they are a challenge and it is very satisfying when they finally -both- die and stay dead. Personally, I find the best way to kill them is Umbra Driver... the gunshots make the gremlins scatter making it possible to get at them without running through the center of a pack of angry axe-wielding flame-throwing gremlins. You can make the mender jump right out of the pack, corner him, and either switch to sword or keep him pinned with repeated shots... well, you see. It's killing the second one before he revives the first one that's a challenge...
However, what -is- overpowered and frankly broken is the way that some monster attacks can break ghost blocks or trigger spinning gear switches.... opening up the gates in deconstruction zones to give you a worst case of -six- gremlin menders in the same place. Or is it 8? I'm not sure all the different possible monster cages can appear in the -same- deconstruction zone.... anyway I've never had 8 loose at the same time unless I had a teammate with a death wish. With a large number of gremlin menders the only thing you can do is run away and run back, over large amounts of distance, trying to get them to split up. Killing 4 or more gremlin menders or any gremlins in that area is pretty much an exercise in futility. (Although if you keep dealing damage to a wide range of targets, sooner or later they spend too much time healing and not enough time raising and the corpses go up in a puff of smoke. More later than sooner.)
Anyway, here's hoping that the monster attacks opening cages is a bug and gets fixed. I've reported it as such, anyway.
If you poison an enemy and a mender tries to heal it it'll actually damage it instead.
"Monsters afflicted with poison will be unable to heal themselves or regenerate health, and will take damage if a fellow enemy (e.g., Gremlin Menders or Wings) heals them. It will also weaken the monster's attack power and defense"
So use poison viles and poison based weapons and they'll be working for you and not against you.
In arenas and challenge rooms I often ignore healers. Using a charged Leviathan or Combuster attack, I can deal damage much faster than it is healed. It may take a little bit longer, but is much safer don't have to rush the center of the mob.
I can outdps 2 gremlin healer in T3 arena with a DA or a Glacius pretty easy, especially when it's full of mecha knights, even with 3 other members dead. Kite around, chain your charge attack as fast as possible, even if you are going to hit only one, just don't stop charging.
Ash of Agni makes everything easier (cept fire places). Just kite with Ashe of Agni and lol as everything slowly dies.
As healers, I think they're fine. Tier 3 is supposed to be hard, but their AI is screwy and, for people trying to throw vials at those blasted things DESIGNED to annoy players, that's an issue. They occasionally run to one spot, then run back, and back and forth. Then they randomly stop and start again.
They really should only be able to shield when they're not flinching, because the shield itself has more health than they do, and they bring it up the moment they get below a certain amount of health. You can't stop it, you can only hope that it doesn't put it up. These enemies NEED a way to stop them from bringing up a shield, besides dealing so much damage that they die before they have the chance.
I don't care HOW weak they are, Ember Bolts and random staff whacks are just stupid. If you're on your last bit of health, and they decide to use those two attacks, you CANNOT telegraph it, you CANNOT see it coming (they do it randomly!). That isn't fair, that's just artificial, crappy difficulty. It's not difficulty. It's cheap. Cheap as hell. And annoying as hell when you're on the last wave of a gremlin Danger Room and when you finally get the opening, they kill you because you can't block it, and holding your shield up does nothing because the Thwackers behind you will catch up and use that cheap, huge-range spin attack of theirs. That or they'll just attack the moment you decide to, since with their shield up, they can't flinch.
Devs, I hope you see this, because honestly, it sucks the fun out of tier 3. Especially since there's only Jelly and Gremlin danger rooms.
The only thing that bugs me is when they revive each other more than once.
I had one arena run where I threw a curse pot at Mender A and killed him. He dropped a curse pot so I circled around to Mender B to attack but by the time I got there he revived Mender A. I killed Mender B and got the pot but by the time I picked it up Mender A revived Mender B. WTF? So I throw the Pot at Mender A.. miss but I attack him and he bubbles so I kill Mender B instead. Then Mender A revives Mender B. This happens 2 more times. Why??
Nothing about that is challenging. It is just plain annoying.
They're not OP, they're just EXTREMELY ANNOYING, one can be easy to pick off, but when there's 2 or more, they get really annoying since they can revive fallen hostiles. (And when they revive/heal each other, seriously, why can't they be a little bit more like Wing enemies...)
As stated above, if you're having difficulty beating menders, just get an alchemer (or the Antigua series,) weapon, and make then dive out of the crowd, and switch to a shadow weapon (if you have one,) and pick them off very quickly.
Biohazard is the way, a charge charges approx. 1.2 sec and deals over 220 xamage easily + poison. Problem Solved, now its just to latch the charge on the menders :P
ShadeShooter :o someone plays BFH... haha.
Disagree. if you focus on them (and often if you don't) - they're fairly weak, everything else falls pretty fast. Also while they are healing 240 every 2 seconds I'm doing 3 times that typically - so really they are only weakening you to the point of being poisoned or so. They're a nuisance sure, and troublesome. However they are surely not underpowered. I wish they would fix how their damage weaknesses show up though.