Question from a Noob

Im new to this game and im really enjoying it so far, the only problem is that im a bit overwhelmed atm. Im really interested in using Bombs and i already have Spiral Demo armor and a Defender (i Read that this shield isnt a good choice so im trying to farm for a Plate Shield). As weapons i use Blast Bomber and Cold Snap (im trying to farm to craft Freezing Vaporizer).
Do you think this is a good Set to go as a beginner? If no, what would you change? I thought of switching my Weapons to Gun/Bomb instead of Bomb/bomb, because im also experiencing some lagg and its kinda hard to survive. I already crafted some weapons and armor which i dont even need.. so was a waste of resource lol.
Im glad for any help and suggestions!
Thx in advance :)

No problem thx for the advice! Ok im going for Gun/Bomb as its safer like you said. I thought of using an elemental Gun to weaken them and nitronome to finish them off or maybe spine cone for piercing dmg.
Do you think i should change my armor into magic cloak and hat or can i leave it as it is? Because of faster charge time from the spiral demo set.

Do you think i should change my armor or should i leave it?
If you want to play with a bomb focus then leave it as it is, there really isn't much good bomber gears out there. You can supplement that with gunner gears which I won't list here, but let's just say there are a lot of them.
As for a crafting pathway, make your demo set into the volcanic demo set, as it will provide you with a charge time reduction: very high. This bonus will be helpful laying down more bomb, which means more damage. Bombastic and mad bomber are not very noob friendly.
You can craft your magic cloak into the chaos set, it is the most affordable glass canon set of the game, but your dodging game needs to be on point in later levels as the status conditions will hurt like a ****.
Armor set: volcanic demo is pretty good with the fire resistance, chaos set is eventually much better though because you'll want damage bonus in addition to your CTR. You could probably go for volcanic first, then chaos next. It's not a waste if you craft stuff that you use less later on, eventually every item you own can become a piece of equipment to mix and match with new crafts.
Bombs: Nitronome is a good craft for now. Dark briar barrage is a great bomb for dps that you will really want to get. Voltaic tempest is a great crowd control bomb with the shock (counters Kats very well which are not easy for beginners). If you like playing in teams, you should definitely also look into vortex bombs. If you play solo, vortex bombs are still very good to combine with pet abilities like seraphynx' beam.
Other weapons: I think getting an elemental blaster could be a good option just to have something to hit switches with, and also to help take down turrets or single enemies. It'll only be bad against beasts and gremlins which are easily dealt with using dark briar barrage.
Shield: grey owlite shield is probably one of the best for you to start crafting (eventually you'll want multiple shields). It is good at tanking shock and fire attacks, which are the 2 most dangerous status effects, especially for bombers since both of these status effects can interfere with your charge time. (shock interrupts you entirely, while fire ticks can reset your charge meter to 50%).
You'll definitely want to look into the DLC at some point too. This is probably more for when you already have your first 5 star equipment, but the DLC gives you 2 very good 5 star weapons for completing. Dark retribution which is one of the best damage bombs and it deals shadow damage. The other weapon is warmaster rocket hammer which is a 5 star sword which has very good dps. For a bomber it is definitely the best sword to have because its strengths are very complementary to weaknesses that bombs have and vice versa.
All bombs: focus is on AoE, needs to be charged up to use. Strongest dps options are dark briar barrage (piercing) and dark retribution (shadow).
Warmaster rocket hammer: great single target damage, without charge up time (its charge attack is bad). Deals elemental damage.
So any enemies that counter your bombs or that you just want to take out first, or just the last remaining enemy are easily dealth with the warmaster hammer. Examples:
- greavers (can close in rapidly and interrupt charge attacks pretty easily if you aren't careful)
- trojans (killing them with bombs is slow)
- turrets (their bullet spam makes them priority targets, bombs are by design not good for prioritizing 1 target, and while charging your weapon you can't shield against the bullets, also turrets are never resistant to elemental damage because there are no beast or gremlin turrets)
None of these are impossible to kill with bombs, but at the same time, warmaster rocket hammer absolutely destroys these enemies. You should still try to learn how to play against them with just your bombs, but having the WRH as back up is nice while you are learning, and it comes with the dark retribution which is a must have for any 5 star bomber.

Midnight is unfortunately correct. It's literally impossible to be a bomber. Bomber armors don't even exist. They aren't real. No Zinc, stop telling him about the secrets of volcanic demo. GET IT AWAY. VENOM VEILOR KILLED MY FATHER.
For one, solo bombing is possible, but you do have to get comfortable knowing your bombs' knockback, as well as their radiuses. If you are clever enough, you can queue a bomb to explode and knock enemies right into the arms of a second bomb already in the ground.
I always recommend the blast bomb (and eventually Nitrome) to ALL bombers, espicially solo bombers. It's reliable, fast to chard and you can move at full speed while charging. I'd also recommend some form of vaporizer (Fire or Freeze) to set down to help with Arenas (where you as a bomber will be doing most of your grinding for Orbs and Crowns). I'd also recommend the Volcanic Demo Set for first timers, as the Elemental + Fire resist helps with a variety of content.
What sprite do you have selected? Drakon is the most consistantly useful in my opinion for Bombers (having Firebolt helps with far away switches and general kb, and fire barrier is a great defensive utility), but the other two can come in helpful likewise.
I'd love to give you more info, but there are a few things I need to ask you first.
- Are you primarily playing alone? Or with a group?
- Are interested in JUST bombing, or ok with hybriding
- What sprite are you using?
I had trouble using bombs, but that might not be the case for you, but you might want a backup weapon.
You like being a bomber, well kid, I have some bad news for you...
Bomber is not really a viable class in SK, okay, I am being a bit harsh, but it is basically playing SK on hardcore level. While it is entirely possible to finish the campaign with nothing but bombs, it will be a painful trudge. So if you ever get stuck, which you will be soon... look for other weapons as a back up. A blaster or a brandish sword can serve you well especially if you get cornered.
Do you think this is a good Set to go as a beginner?
Spiral Demo is basically the only bomber gear available to you ATM, there are shadow bomber and piercing bomber set but they would require some luck to find (hence why I said playing as a bomber is a bit of a trudge). Defender is fine as a shield (no need for plate shield, they are not that great later on) as there are no shields in the game that augment your bombing abilities.
The freezing vaporizer and blast bombs are good, but you will need a few more bombs to round out your gears. Look into fire vapourizer, dark matter bomb and spine cone for other forms of damage other than normal.
As a final note regarding you blast bomb, while it has four different crafting path ways, only one is really useful, which is the Nitronome line. The others are too gimmicky and not worth the weapon slot if you are planning on using blast bomb as your primary bomb..
I thought of switching my Weapons to Gun/Bomb instead of Bomb/bomb, because im also experiencing some lagg and its kinda hard to survive.
I would definitely say gun/bomb is the safest of choice. Many clockwork levels have turrets spawning in a distance and you will be helpless to reach them with bombs but a gun can take them out from afar. Use guns to weaken your enemies and blow them up once they are clumped up is also a good tactic.