Apocrean mission still bugged (since november 2019)

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Strikersz's picture

Hello again in 2020,

The same bug from November persists with the Shroud of apocrea mission.
After loading into a graveyard mission, the game just kicks me (and others) out in about 30 seconds.
Last year i couldn't even make it past the loading screen, now i load in everytime and get kicked after
some seconds pass.

Really would like a reason as to why or even better, a fix. Shroud of apocrea is one of the few events i find worth farming
and really don't wanna miss it this year AGAIN.

If you're having this problem too, just bump it with a reply (or if you think you know what causes it i'm all ears)
Hopefully with more people backing this up Grey Havens will finally do something about it.

Almondtasterad's picture
I love this bug........

I do not know if you know about this, but just in case https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/62691 should help you to optimize your game for 64-bit java, which seems to fix the issue.
GH, many people have said this, but if Apoc is going to be like this, then we need SK to run on a more updated version of Java, so these kinds of bugs are not as common.

Bbsc's picture
Yes, I can vouch for the

Yes, I can vouch for the above post. Running the game using 64 bit Java solved this problem for me. Apparently this mission can't run in 32 bit Java.

Strikersz's picture
yeah about that..

Everything im running is 64-bit. I've already visited https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/62691 in the past to no avail.

Even after making sure Spiral knights was running 64-bit it didn't fix the problem for me. I never had problems running this mission
till last year. Used to play it no problem when suddenly everything went downhill.

I have no idea what's causing it and it's frustrating. Just hope it gets fixed soon......

Strikersz's picture

I managed to fix my problem. I had java 64-bit downloaded but sk wasn't running in 64-bit.
I kept searching and finally found a video on youtube that showed me how it's done, cus the post on forum wasn't enough.
I can finally join the mission again, although a bit late this time around.

I'll leave the link to the video so other people can watch it too in case they have the same problem. I did have to take an extra step though.
I had to make a new folder to save the installed java-64 bit in, or else it would just go to the exact place java 32-bit was and sk would not use the 64-bit version when i copy pasted the folder in sk.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_y3TYmJF7s