Could we get Shadow Lairs' Tier 3 back, please?
I know Grey Havens atempted to make them harder by increasing enemies health and damage due some people where complaining about how easy it is (which if you ask me, most of them must be people with 10K hours on the game, a BK set with 3 MAX UV on each armor and 2 mixmasters capable of the imposible, which even tho this is just an overexageration, there is and there will be players like this on any game really).
But I played a Snarbolax Shadow Lair with 4 people in elite and it's not even funny how a turret needs 4 people spaming polaris for 10 full seconds to get killed.
I feel that this change was not needed at all, that is something any developer should evade to do when they are asked to make something harder. Making more complex enemy actions, arenas or status is a way to make the game harder while still keeping it fair, increasing a number or two it's not the solution, unless you let to players choose to do that.
PD: By saying all of this I'm not trying to be disrespectfull to any player or developer of the game, I'm mostly trying to justify my idea to tune down Shadow Lairs' dificulty back to what it was before by using a constructive opinion.

I personally agree with your statement. We have no 6* gear at all to deal with the tier 4 enemies, but these people with 6000+ hours asked what they like, didn't care about the rest of community at all.
It's hard to get your desired set and just die here.
Polaris is a low damage weapon though. Try having 4 people use a warmaster rocket hammer or a fang of vog charge against that turret, and it will go down instantly. Even more so if you use pet abilities to abuse your high base damage (damage buffs) or reduce the massive tier 4 defense (sera's ray and also poison in the other 3 SL's).
This is hard to do though, because Shadow Lairs and the tier 4 enemies are very good at making teams disorganized and stopping players from focusing on the same target (which proves it is not "fake difficulty"). And players can't get in loads of practice like they do against other missions due to the entry fees.
Mail me in game if you need help/advice to clear the Shadow Lairs.