To have your suggestion heard or considered, would you need to provide information, video, context, labels/drawings?

I feel like the community can provide suggestions by demonstrating or giving insight on the display or action of the suggestion. Maybe that's key to having staff members at OOO/Grey Havens considerate most ideas?

I agree.It is always a good idea to express your idea with the best way possible but I do not think that giving more detail to ur idea means that they will consider it.The section is a suggestion not a proposal to the gms.
Even if you polish an idea as much as you can,with plans and valid arguments it does not saying much,cause first you are not in an open dialogue with the gms but mostly with the community.Of course it helps to have an idea with some thinking backing up it but what determines if it will be considered or not is,if its viable for the Gms.
Remember that we are not in a stage of the game where the game keeps updating and progressing,so in the best occasion they just read the posts but to consider them the possibility if it is not zero it is very low considering that themselves have said their target is to try keep the game alive and thats why we only see small changes.
Considering or not it is always good to post our ideas to forums,even if it is not good idea,first another member can improve it to something good and second it shows activity in the forums that is always nice for the game.
I remember the time when a huge forum post about guildhalls was made and the community joined the post and had multiple ideas and start forming how a guildhall update should be.Nice times...
Suggestions are only vary rarely looked into but the ones I've seen done don't have any of that.