WTS:(or WTT for items in same value)
Cozzzy Halo pm good offers, it matches slumber promo coming soon!
shock max, normal high bkc (25ke b/o)
prismatic extension cord(10ke b/o)
celestial shield(25ke b/o)
pm me Interstellar-san on game, feel free to offer for them
Cryotech Alchemer ASI VH 1M
Prismatech Alchemer ASI VH 15ke
autogun ctr med & undead med 100kcr
Set tawny 150kcr
Iron lockboxes 30kcr
Orbit Aura 10ke + 700kcr
dread seal 350kcr
dazed tailed helm 130kcr
dazed star seeing halo 400kcr
dazed vertical vents 150kcr
book 18.5 ke
Crown of winter 700k
fancy owlite robe 100kcr
electric fur cap 5kcr
Cool aero armor 100kcr
haunted aura 80k
primatech asi med 100k
dazed stars seeing halo 7kce
voltaic radical set for 540kcr
dazed seeing stars halo 6.5kce
book 1M
grey fur cap 250kcr